Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Nepalese, Ethiopian and Filipina workers kept as slaves in Arab lands and yet the West considers these same demonic countries allies

The world has gone stark, raving mad.
The West considers Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar  and Oman as  their  allies and friends.    I find it disgusting that our own Minister of Foreign Affairs recently journeyed to these lands  and has  let these slave masters not only talk to him but also influence him with their taqiyyah.  Have we in the West lost all dignity and all humanity???  Has our hatred of the Iranian regime made us blind  to the  countries in the world where  human right abuses are at their worst?  

From the BBC:
Nepal has banned women    under the age of 30 from going to work in Middle Eastern countries amid growing concerns that they are being exploited.
Common complaints include physical and sexual abuse, poor conditions and non-payment of salaries.
The move comes 18 months after the government ended a 12-year ban on women working in Gulf countries.
It was imposed after a young woman, who had been abused in Kuwait, committed suicide, sparking outrage in Nepal.

Every day, an estimated 1,000 people leave Nepal for the Middle East for jobs as housemaids. It is estimated that there are as many as 200,000 Nepalese women working there unofficially.
But they can be vulnerable and Nepal's embassies in the region say they deal with numerous cases of women seeking shelter after alleged physical and sexual abuse.
"Young female workers are reported to have been sexually and psychologically exploited in Gulf countries," Information Minister Raj Kishor Yadav was quoted as saying in the Himalayan Times English-language daily newspaper.......

amie Glazov in FrontPageMag writes
....The most frequent cause of death  among immigrant housemaids in GCC Member States is “falling down from high floors” according to an attorney investigating worker grievances.  Some of these women may have been driven to suicide by their horrid circumstances, but many probably were murdered.  There is no respect for their lives.

An Emirati woman and her male neighbor were convicted in Abu Dhabi of stripping the woman’s Asian housemaid naked and beating her to death with a frying pan, then threatening the maid’s colleague against reporting the murder to authorities.

Three Kuwaiti men stalking a Sri Lankan housemaid waited for her to finish shopping and start walking home before jumping on her and throwing her into their car.  They then drove to an empty lot behind a building and took turns in raping her despite her constant screams.  The attackers have not yet been found.

In 2008, in the United Arab Emirates, a woman who was gang-raped by a group of men was imprisoned for eight months for adultery after reporting the crime to the police.

Employers or Sponsors often rape housemaids too.  If a pregnancy results, they will abuse her until she miscarries, get her deported, or cause her death.  If her child somehow survives, it will have no rights, no protection, no food, and no shelter.

A Saudi employer and his wife were arrested in Riyadh for torturing a Sri Lankan housemaid by hammering 18 heated nails into her arms, legs, and forehead.  The nails ranged in length from one to three inches.  The case is still pending.

Another Indonesian maid was tortured and so badly maimed and burned by her female Saudi employer that she became unrecognizable as the pretty 23-year-old she had been.  Before and after pictures in this article would make any decent person both sick and very angry.  Also, the employer, though initially sentenced to three years for her crime, was later allowed to go free.

The appeals court in Kuwait upheld the death sentence of a Kuwaiti housewife for murdering her Filipina domestic helper but commuted the punishment on her disabled husband.  They had regularly beaten the maid until her health failed, then taken her to the desert where they threw her out of the car and ran over her repeatedly until she died.....

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