Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Thinking of touring Tunisia? Better go clad head to toe in a Burkha

 French Tourists encounter with religious police at Tunisia's airport got them flying back to France without stepping out of the airport.  Congrats to those who have already seen the beauty of Tunisia .... the rest of us will give it a miss.  Tourism was Tunisia's biggest industry.

Google translation from the French:
A plane with 70 French     ....and French landed at Tunis Carthage airport ... at the exit in the lobby dressed in some "low-cut" have been taken to task by the religious police made ​​up of bearded Islamists under the watchful eyes of security forces order ...... and nobody moved!

According to our colleague Tunisia Focus , some are still at the airport and ask for their immediate repatriation to France. A French TV team leaves tonight for Tunis .. You can just imagine .. the damage ..... poor poor .. and Tunisia tourism minister who spends one billion to promote the destination of our country. This is called "throwing money out the window ..."

Tunisia is now Islamist.      President Marzouki told French deputies that Tunisia had not fallen into the hands of the Islamists, but in that of democracy. The transition to democracy must be not only stressed, but more importantly, strongly supported in Tunisia .
In this sense, the president of the National Assembly, Claude Bartelonne , pleaded, in his welcoming speech at the Tunisian President, for compatibility between Islam and democracy. Today, the signs are multiplying towards more of Islam since the Revolution.

So that Habib Bourguiba summoned TV cameras to remove the veil of women after independence, those that are not now in the process of marginalization. The Nikab becomes common and stores ready-to-wear expose in their windows. The walls are covered with graffiti calling for Islamic jihad , and threatening with death those who insulteraient, by their words or deeds, God and his prophet. On the beaches, the Tunisian who dare to swim in bikinis can be counted on the fingers of one hand. The call to dawn prayer (which is not part of the five obligatory prayers) is launched from the top of minarets at 3 pm 30 am, without lifting of the protest movement. Today, Salafist groups multiply actions more or less spectacular. When they attack the art or paralyze the University of Manouba, even to defend the port of Nikab , the goal is to mark the national public opinion, but also beyond the borders.

Less visibly, but perhaps more profound, they take advantage of weaknesses in the State 's attack on what they think is contrary to Islam through very targeted. Thus, after 22 hours, taxis are scarce in major cities as drivers who dare to exercise their craft past this schedule, including tourist season, can see confiscating their vehicles at the turn of a dam Salafi.....

h/t: Irene

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