Thursday, August 9, 2012

Dear Muslims, how goes the Caliphate's progress in France? Beautifully... thanks for asking.

Look, it was bound to happen. No surprise, not with the speed at which Islam is growing in  France and most of the EU.  Not to me and not to those who have visited Europe with eyes wide open and with at least 1% of one's brain able to analyze and grasp the reality of things.  The white Frenchmen have long lost their balls.  Have you seen some of the French male models lately?  They all look gay and effeminate.  Their groin areas look flatter than the groin areas of the skinniest females  in the tightest of tights.  Almost all of them look transsexual or having cut off their lower appendages altogether and opted for a slit instead.  Have you heard their males on TV and seen their movies of late?     So .... what happens when a country's male population morphs into little purring kittens?   The Caliphate moves in.  That is the fate of many countries of the EU ... including the UK.

All and any actions taken now to ban the veil  or to control the Muslim growth in the EU ... is far too late. The Caliphate knows it and is not at all worried about a little setback like the law on face covering or the ongoing mess of the "Arab Springs".  It has waited decades for the takeover of EU, what's  another decade or two for the full shariah to come into effect?

Will North America learn from the disaster unfolding in the EU, especially will Canada yank it's neck from the sand and stop importing the planeloads of Afghanistanis and other Muslims??  OR will the North American females, to repel the Muslim invasion,  be made to take on extra tasks which  the North American males might give up like their cowardly counterparts in the EU??   The next few years will tell.

One sure way of shutting the dhimmis is when the Muslims scream "Islamophobia" like in the last vid below.  Yes, we ARE scared of headchoppers, own daughter/sister/wife/mother killers and their book of lies which orders them to kill  non-believers.  Why is that  something to be ashamed of ?????????????????????

Edward Cody writing at Washingtonpost:
 ...The confrontation quickly escalated    into a shoving match, with several dozen young bystanders joining in and carloads of police reinforcements speeding up to lend a hand. Before long it erupted into what was described in the National Assembly in Paris as a riot, during which a female police officer was bitten on the arm and two of her male colleagues were bashed and bruised.....

....France, which has Europe’s largest Muslim population, is the only country with a national ban against full-face veils, usually called a niqab. The law has been supported across the political spectrum in Paris. But the U.S. State Department, in an annual report on religious freedom, recently criticized it for the second time as an infringement on freedom of choice.

Belgium’s lower house of Parliament has passed similar anti-veil legislation, and the government hopes to get the law validated soon in the Senate. The Dutch government has said it also would seek to impose a ban next year. Meanwhile, some Belgian cities, including Brussels, the capital, have already enacted bans at the municipal level.......

....The bans reflect Western Europe’s unease at growing Muslim minorities, which sometimes are numerous enough to retain their own dress and customs in what can appear to be a challenge to the continent’s Christian roots and traditions. The chafing has intensified during Europe’s economic crisis, with many charging that Muslim immigrants take jobs away from French workers or burden social services with numerous families.

Estimating the number of Muslims among France’s 65 million inhabitants is difficult because it is illegal to demand people to cite their religion or ethnic background. But the Interior Ministry, along with academic researchers, has put the number at more than 5 million. Some Muslim activists say the number is closer to 6 million because illegal immigrants, many of them North African Muslims, live below the radar.

In Marseille, the Muslim population is estimated at up to 25 percent of the city’s 800,000 residents. Muslims here are often concentrated in neighborhoods that take on the look of a North African community, with Arabic-speaking men sitting in coffee shops and women doing the shopping in outdoor markets overflowing with olives and dates.

After the violence in the Third District, police took in the veiled woman and three young men. But an on-call magistrate, noting that this was the Ramadan period of Muslim fasting and that an angry crowd was milling about outside, ordered the four released, promising they would be called back next month to face possible charges.

Infuriating police, the magistrate also ordered an internal investigation of accusations leveled by the youths that the police were unnecessarily aggressive. The investigation prompted particular outrage because Marseille police have been struggling for months to quash a bloody turf war among drug gangs that led to the killing of a policeman last winter with an assault rifle......

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