Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Things about to blow up in Lebanon

Sunni terrorists running amok in Syria. Sunni terrorists doing a roaring  business  kidnapping rich Shiites in Lebanon. Shiites plotting stuff all over the world.  Sunni nations warning their citizens not to travel to Lebanon.  Saudi Arabia doing it's best to create sectarian divides in Lebanon.  USA, UK, France, Turkey and others helping Saudi Arabia while whistling a merry tune of lies, more lies and yet more lies.  Man, this divide and conquer stuff really works.

World War III  has been waiting patiently at the door.  Now, it's gonna come bursting in.

BEIRUT, Lebanon Spillover from the Syrian conflict   hit Lebanon in a frightening new way on Wednesday with a mass abduction of more than 30 Syrians inside Lebanese territory, which their captors called revenge for the kidnapping of a relative inside Syria. Members of a powerful Lebanese Shiite family who captured the Syrians, displayed in a video shown on Lebanese television, threatened to cause havoc in the streets and conduct an extended kidnapping spree inside Lebanon until their family member, taken hostage by Syrian rebels, was set free. “The next few hours and next few days will determine what will happen,” one masked captor said outside a family property in a Shiite suburb of Beirut..

The United States warned Friday  that Syria's allies Iran and Hezbollah could be planning attacks in Europe, as Washington boosted sanctions against the beleaguered Damascus regime.

The State Department and US Treasury unveiled fresh measures in response to the mounting conflict in Syria, where 21,000 people have been killed in the violence of the past 17 months in the face of a diplomatic stalemate.

But a senior US security official warned the Western pressure might not succeed without cost, with Iran and the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah allegedly plotting revenge attacks on Western or Israeli targets.
"Our assessment is that Hezbollah and Iran will both continue to maintain a heightened level of terrorist activity in operations in the near future," said Daniel Benjamin, the US State Department's counter-terrorism coordinator.

"We are increasingly concerned about Hezbollah's activities on a number of fronts, including its stepped up terrorist campaign around the world," he said......

Saudi Arabia has told citizens  to leave Lebanon after a mass kidnapping in retaliation for events in Syria raised fears that violence may be spilling across a region riven by sectarian rancor and great power rivalries.

On a day when Lebanese captives held by Syrian rebels were among the wounded in a deadly air strike by government forces, citizens of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, key backers of the mainly Sunni Muslim insurgency, were seized along with about 20 Syrians by Beirut Shi'ites in an area run by Iranian-backed Hezbollah.

Their threat to take more Saudi, Turkish and Qatari hostages to secure the release of a kinsman held by Syrian rebels in Damascus bore ominous echoes of still deeply polarized Lebanon's own, long civil war - and Gulf Arab governments lost no time in urging visitors to leave Beirut's popular summer tourist haunts.....

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