Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Chemtrails OR How to be deviously devilish

Worth watching the documentary.  At first you will think it's one of those conspiracy theories ... I did.  I always thought the trails you see in the sky are left there by commercial planes or jets taking off,  until a friend of mine pointed them out to me while we were in her car and said "look at those chemtrails" and I had to ask her what she was talking about.

Well, I am much wiser now.  Even if the situation is overblown, at least I now know a bit more.   It's sad to see oil companies and manufacturing corporations giving in to this arm-twisting  from a cabal of  billionaires who are making them give away billions of dollars to geoengineering  research projects to control  the atmosphere of  our earth.

....Sir Richard Branson is just one of a handful of billionaires    who are bankrolling geoengineering research by a small group of climate scientists to manipulate the climate on a global scale. This so-called "geo-clique" is now lobbying governments and international organizations to back and invest public funds into geoengineering research.
Geoengineering technologies and methods are highly controversial. Friends of the Earth has called geoengineering "mad, bad and dangerous." The Ottawa-based ETC Group calls it "climate-profiteering" and has been calling for a moratorium on real-world geoengineering experimentation.....

...When David W. Keith,  a physicist and energy expert at the University of Calgary in Alberta, gives lectures these days on geoengineering, he likes to point out how old the idea is. People have been talking about deliberately altering climate to counter global warming, he says, for as long as they have been worrying about global warming itself. As early as 1965, when Al Gore was a freshman in college, a panel of distinguished environmental scientists warned President Lyndon B. Johnson that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels might cause “marked changes in climate” that “could be deleterious.” Yet the scientists did not so much as mention the possibility of reducing emissions. Instead they considered one idea: “spreading very small reflective particles” over about five million square miles of ocean, so as to bounce about 1 percent more sunlight back to space—“a wacky geoengineering solution,” Keith says, “that doesn’t even work.”....

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