
Monday, August 6, 2012

The Vetting: Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connnection

Very important to read in full and listen to at least some of the vids from the conference.  Both the conference and RightSideNews coverage of it is full of information which will take a good many hours to go through.  I am giving below only a few salient points from a quick view I took and marked for later reading.  We must not forget that what happens in the USA affects us here in Canada almost as much as it does the Americans.  If Obama gets a second term,  the doors of hell will be thrown wide open and we will all be sucked in.

On Thursday, July 19th,    Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival held a critical National Press Club event: The Vetting: Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection. At this pivotal time, we face a national election that may well determine the fate of our great country. And as America goes, so goes the world.

Thus, it is not an exaggeration to describe this as the most important press conference in U.S. history, because it explicitly details, with new facts and more evidence than ever presented in one place at one time, from extensive, highly credible sources, the dangerously extremist nature of President Obama and the true goals of his virulently anti-American, radical leftist administration.
It further reveals how a huge network of U.S. and foreign communist and hard left organizations connected to this President has colluded with radical Islam for decades to oversee the destruction of their mutual enemy: America. Overshadowing all is the malevolent Soros network, and the billions he and others like him are devoting to facilitate this goal.

This information simply must reach the electorate before November................

In Part I, Trevor Loudon, who was  among the first to expose Obama's radicalism, exposes the relationship between President Obama and a high level, pro-Soviet operative, Alice Palmer, actively involved with known Soviet and communist front organizations at the height of the Cold War. She worked closely with the future U.S. president for several years, in the same socialist and communist networks that dominated the left side of Chicago politics......

Also in Part I of James Simpson's report, speaker Konstantin Preobrazhensky, a KGB defector, explained in vivid detail how and why the Soviet Union became the real force behind Muslim terrorism, including al Qaeda.  We continue to Part II by James Simpson.

.....Gilbert suggests that Obama’s birth certificate originally said “Father Unknown.” This thesis was also advanced by Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s cold case posse when they demonstrated that Obama’s published birth certificate had been tampered with. Gilbert unveils additional discoveries:

Obama joined the communist May 19th organization according to a former member
May 19th was a support group for the Weather Underground
May 19th members went to Cuba to be trained in explosives by Cuban intelligence
May 19th members were involved in the 1981 Brinks robbery, murdering two policemen and a Brinks employee
Obama likely met Ayers while at Columbia
Obama attended a Socialist Scholars Conference in spring of 1983 with Bill Ayers
Obama was a “red diaper baby” as was Obama strategist David Axelrod 
Gilbert further catalogs Obama’s lifetime among the radical left which he has covered with deception and lies. Obama has pushed a phony, contrived background to mask an agenda unacceptable to most Americans.....

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