Saturday, August 11, 2012

The sins of NATO in Libya

 Ever  wonder why we don't hear much about Libya any more in our glorious Western press?  When NATO was engaged in destroying the country and sodomizing and killing the leader of that country, all we heard was how we the West were saving the Libyans from a cruel and nasty dictator and how well and according to plan  the "mission" of sodomizing and killing people in foreign lands was progressing.  The "mission" has failed miserably as has the "mission" in Afghanistan and as has the "mission" in Iraq and as will the "mission" in Syria.

Unknown assailants attacked   a compound of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Libyan port of Misrata on Sunday with grenades and rockets, forcing it to suspend its work there and in the eastern city of Benghazi, the agency said.
The ICRC said seven of its aid workers were inside their residence when it came under attack. No one was hurt, but damage to the building was extensive.
It was the fifth time in less than three months that violence was directed against the independent aid agency in Libya, the ICRC said in a statement, which stressed its neutrality.

"Given the circumstances, we are forced to announce, with considerable regret, that we will be suspending all our activities in Misrata and Benghazi and that our delegates in those cities will be temporarily relocated," said Ishfaq Muhamed Khan, the head of the ICRC's delegation in Libya.
Several violent incidents have rocked Libya in recent days and included the kidnapping on Tuesday in Benghazi of seven Iranians relief workers who were official guests of the Libyan Red Crescent Association.........

A top Libyan    security official says gunmen attacked a prison in the capital Tripoli, breaking free eight prisoners in fighting that left another prisoner dead.
Libya's deputy Interior Minister Omar al-Khadrawi says the detainees had been awaiting trial for crimes committed in the past year. He says unknown assailants in a Land Cruiser opened fire on security personnel guarding the facility late yesterday in what appeared to be a coordinated attempt to free some of the men inside........

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