Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ahmadis in Pakistan at the mercy of Saudi Arabia's grosteque claws and insane Wahhabism

The article below is a good one to help us understand the Ahmadiyya, a sect of Islam.  The Ahmadis are to be found mostly in Pakistan and India.  In Pakistan, they are the victims of terrorism and  apartheid by the Sunnis who consider them to be "infidels" and not true believers of their book of lies. The holier than thou Sunni Muslims want to do away with the other sects of Islam whom they perceive to be not well skilled in headchopping, honor killing, infidel hating, blood and gore loving as themselves.  The Ahmadis, who are also known as Qadiyanis,  have been going through decades of apartheid in Pakistan but hardly anybody outside Pakistan and India know about this milder form of  Islam or about the Ahmadis.

Hopefully,  the article  and the documentary below, will enlighten some of us. The producer Rabia Mehmood has taken a bold step to educate those of us who are not aware of  the Ahmadiyya and bring attention to their plight.  

More here on the documentary and why it was made.

As millions around the world enter the third week    of the Ramadan fast, the fraternity that typically unites Muslims during the holy month does not extend to Pakistan’s Ahmadi community, which is facing worse persecution than ever before.

What little space there might once have been for this religious minority – who believe that their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, is the promised messiah and reformer whose advent was foretold by the Holy Prophet Muhammad – is quickly disappearing altogether.

“What space for Ahmadis are you talking about? They don’t have any,” Faisal Neqvi, a Lahore-based lawyer, told IPS.

Declared non-Muslims in 1974, the legal and social exclusion of Ahmadis was further enshrined in a 1984 law that prohibits them from proclaiming themselves Muslims or making pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia.

While non-Muslim missionaries are permitted to proselytise as long as they do not preach against Islam, Ahamdis cannot even hold a public congregation or sing hymns in praise of the prophet.

Last month, hostility towards the community of four million bubbled over in Kharian, a city in the Punjab province, when a police contingent demolished six minarets of an Ahmadi mosque, Baitul Hamd, and effaced the calligraphy on its walls...........


  1. Never has a brutal monarchy ever succeeded against the plan of Allah for Allah is the best of the Planners.

  2. I thank the blogger for this informative article and video which clearly show the plight of Ahmadi in Pakistan. It must be stressed though that the Ahmadi are not only persecuted by Wahhabis but by the majority of Muslims worldwide, including those in Britain. Please can I recommend my book, Islam & the Ahmadi Ja'amat, published by Hurst & Co, 2008, for anyone who wants to know more about the Ahmadi? Although a Christian, I have spent much time with the Ahmadi at both Rabwah and Qadian and am proud to be linked with the Ahmadi in my home town of Bradford, UK. My book includes sections on the founder of the movement; the movement's history, beliefs, practices, organisation and the persecution they face, particularly in Pakistan. Please read it and pass your comments on to me.


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