Sunday, August 12, 2012

The IOC cowards fear the OIC

Going by the deplorable behaviour of the IOC at the 2012 Olympics, come the next time, it would be best for them to merge with the OIC.  What's a little exchange between the first two letters anyway when at the heart of things, both committees share the same ideology  .... hatred of Jews.  The whole Olympics business has gotten shoddy and shameful as happens to everything that is bribed and threatened by the OIC and ultimately becomes submissive to the Muslim slave masters.  The good feeling one felt about the Olympics has evaporated for millions around the world and is not likely to come back unless a brand new committee is formed and the present one sent out to pasture in the oil fields of their masters.

Peter Martino writing at GatestoneInstitute
 During the opening ceremony   of the London Olympics, Count Jacques Rogge, the Belgian who is the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), refused to hold a minute of silence for the eleven Israeli Olympic athletes murdered forty years ago at Munich. Instead, a week before the official opening of the Games, the Belgian aristocrat held a minute of silence during a minor ceremony in the Olympic village.

Count Rogge has announced that he will also attend a ceremony in London today, Monday August 6, organized by the Israeli embassy and the London Jewish community, and that he will speak at a ceremony in Munich on September 5. Critics of Rogge claim that the Count was afraid to mention the murdered Israelis in the opening ceremony of the London Games because he feared that this would upset member states of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC). Fear of the OIC made the IOC cower.

Normally, when an athlete dies, as in the case of a Georgian athlete two years ago during the Winter Olympics, the IOC President expresses his condolences during his official speech, while the Olympic flags are flown at half-staff.

The families of the 11 murdered Israeli sportsmen declared that they were "very hurt" by Rogge's decision. Ilana Romano, widow of weightlifter Yossef Romano, said that the Count had let "terror win." Ankie Rekhess, widow of fencing coach Andre Spitzer, said that Rogge was using the upcoming Munich ceremony as an excuse not to hold the minute of silence and questioned his motives for attending the Munich event. "If they cannot do the right thing at home, in the Olympic ceremony, why come?"

Rekhess and Romano recently met the IOC President. "My hands are tied," Rogge told Rekhess. She was not impressed: "Your hands are not tied," she said. "My husband's hands were tied, so were his feet, when he was murdered. That is having your hands tied."

Meanwhile, Joods Actueel, a Jewish monthly magazine in Antwerp, Belgium, published details of the shameful anti-Semitic past of the International Olympic Committee and its former president, Count Henri de Baillet-Latour – like Rogge, a Belgian aristocrat.....

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