Sunday, August 12, 2012

Qatar fishes around with bribes and fools take the bait

Once you take a bribe or a payment not due to you by right, you are lost.  Furthermore, you open yourself  to blackmail and worse.  Each and every one of the oil-rich Muslim dictators (the ones who have been canonized by the USA) pay billions to government officials in the USA, Britain and elsewhere. The bribe might not be in actual money, but it would be like the type given to Bloomberg, Dick Cheney, the Bush family and the Clintons. All these dirty people have either their own companies or companies where they are the major shareholders, doing roaring business in the oil-rich countries.  If only Wikileaks would disclose the list to the public, what a great service Assange would be doing to throw sunlight on these vampires.

Qatar’s ambassador in Mauritania allegedly offered his Syrian counterpart an advance payment of US$1 million and a monthly salary of $20,000 over 20 years, trying to convince the diplomat to defect and voice support for the opposition.

Hamad Seed Albni was also offered a permanent residence in the Qatari capital Doha, but refused the proposition, claims Lebanese-based Al-Manar TV. The diplomat reportedly called the offer a “blatant interference” in Syria’s affairs and warned not to come up with such initiatives anymore.

Bashar al-Assad’s government has endured a number of high-profile defections recently. Diplomats representing Syria in the United Arab Emirates and Iraq, Abdel Latif al-Dabbagh and Nawaf al-Fares, abandoned their positions and so did the country’s Prime Minister Riyad Hijab. The officials explained their defections, saying they could not work for a regime oppressing its own people.

Damascus says Qatar uses its financial resources to promote defections among the ranks of Syrian officials.

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