Friday, August 3, 2012

Saudi Arabia owns the UN ... lock, stock and oil barrel

What we thought all along to be the case, is now a proven fact.  The UN has been taken over by the despots in Saudi Arabia, they call the shots, they make the rules, they scold or bribe those who don't abide by them and  they draft resolutions which all must sign.  Capiche?

I feel sorry for the people who think that all the trouble in the world is because of Israel.  Dumb, dumb, dumber.  Israel is the scapegoat and has been since time began. I agree that the present scenario is a God-send to the Israelis... and why not ?  It's about time they had some luck.   If attacked, Israel can more than look after itself and then some.  That's not the case with Saudi Arabia and the other Arab Sunni dictator lands.  They are terrified of Iran's influence in the region and all the more so because they have been spreading the monstrous Wahhabism, the worst of Islam,  which Iran and all Shiites are totally against.   By demolishing the Shiite influence in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Iran, the Sunni nations are making sure that they will be top dogs in the Islamic world.  Right now they are cowering under and behind their women's burkhas... but being the manipulative masters that they are, they must have offered the USA any number of concessions on their oil reserves if only the mighty USA does something about Iran.  As for the USA .... it's a win-win situation.  They get the oil as well as keep safe their only true dependable ally in that region, Israel.    However, I just hate to see that murderers and terrorists who were once considered to be our sworn enemies are now getting their wages from sources approved by the USA.  Ugh !!!

The UN General Assembly is due to vote  on a resolution that condemns the Security Council for failing to stop the violence in Syria.
The text is not legally binding but is intended to increase pressure on the council to take action.....

....Drafted by Saudi Arabia, which openly supports the armed rebellion against President Bashar al-Assad's rule, the text condemns the Syrian government's use of "heavy weapons" and its failure to withdraw forces from civilian areas, as demanded by Mr Annan's peace initiative.....

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