Friday, August 3, 2012

How the MSM has brainwashed Black America

Too many people get their news from their idiot boxes, which in reality, are nothing more than just brainwashing devices.  The same crap is then repeated in the dailies the next morning.  People not connected to the internet, and also people not open to both sides of the debate, are left in the dark and spew their ignorance based only on  the two sources of  misinformation ... the TV and the newspapers.
Lloyd Marcus writing at AmericanThinker:
I jump on every opportunity  to respectfully challenge my 84-year-old black dad's loyalty to Obama.  Dad has been a Christian pastor over 50 years.  He lives in Maryland, and I live in Florida.  I called Dad to ask if he participated in Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.  He said no, he had not heard about it.  Then, he added, "All I know is Chick-fil-A discriminates against gays."

Folks, I was outraged. Struggling to keep my composure, I passionately said, "Dad, that is a lie!  You have got to stop getting your news from the mainstream media!"

I went on to explain to my dad what the protest and appreciation day were really about.  Dad was shocked.  He does not support same-sex marriage, and he was pretty grossed out when I told him that in retaliation homosexuals have planned a "kiss-in" at Chick-fil-A restaurants.....

....My conversation with Dad was yesterday.  He called me at 9 AM this morning.  "Why haven't I heard about what Christians were doing in support of Chick-fil-A?"  I told Dad the reason is because the mainstream media, where he gets his news, is in the pocket of the socialists/progressives who embrace same-sex marriage.  The mainstream media (CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC) gave the phenomenon minimal coverage.

Dad was surprised to learn that all who oppose same-sex marriage are branded bigots and haters by his beloved Democratic Party and the mainstream media.  Dad said he does not hate or judge anyone.  However, the Bible says homosexuality is wrong.  He must stand on the Word of God.

Patriots, my excitement was overwhelming.  For years I have been waiting for the correct moment and approach to "respectfully" tell Dad that his blind loyalty to Obama and the Democrats contradicts everything he has stood for and taught me.  The moment was miraculously here. Dad was on the phone, asking ................

via:  Lou on Twitter

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