Sunday, August 19, 2012

Obama and Romney .... same, same

Only difference is: Obama lies with a straight face, Romney has yet to reach that level of duplicity.  Come November, America will be replacing one delusional president with another delusional one.... the new one might be genuinely even less informed about the danger of  Islam than Obama pretends to be.

Cliff Kincaid writing at RightSideNews:
 ....It is a subject that Mitt Romney and Barack Obama  don’t want to talk about. But former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy on Wednesday offered a virtual indictment of top State Department official Huma Abedin as a security risk and said that Obama’s embrace of the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood constitutes a national security crisis and should be a major campaign issue.

McCarthy, who prosecuted the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, said it’s “vitally important” that Romney speak out publicly in support of the five members of Congress asking questions about Muslim Brotherhood influence over U.S. policy. He said Romney should “stand up and be counted.”........

....At a packed news conference with six television cameras and journalists overflowing into the hallway, Center for Security Policy president Frank Gaffney introduced McCarthy and released a ream of documents on Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the U.S. Government. The conference was carried by the C-SPAN television network and is available for viewing.

....But while the Obama Administration has taken the brunt of the criticism, one of Romney’s foreign policy advisers, Robert Kagan, has been labeled a useful idiot or stooge for the Muslim Brotherhood. Kagan is a member of Romney’s foreign policy team and works at the liberal Brookings Institution.

At the time that the rule of U.S. ally Hosni Mubarak was under assault from street protests led by the Muslim Brotherhood, Kagan wrote a column for The Washington Post threatening the Egyptian government if it successfully repressed the revolutionary turmoil.

During an appearance on CNN, Kagan attacked Glenn Beck, then with Fox News, for predicting that a Muslim takeover of Egypt could lead to an expansion of Islamist power in the Middle East and elsewhere. Kagan called it “panic-mongering of the worst kind,” adding, “It’s not the first time in American history that kind of panic mongering has played well on TV or in the press…I think we need to be intelligent about how we move forward. Not be guided by panic about some global Islamic takeover. And, in fact, that kind of panic leads to the worst kind of policies.”....

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