Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dagestan's Sunnis want in on the "killkillkill" game

Dagestan is yet another moderate Muslim country marked for Caliphate-ing  by the putrified wahhabis in Saudi Arabia.

 .... Shootout in Dagestani Mosque   Leaves 8 Injured.  Eight people were injured during an attack on believers in a Dagestani mosque on the eve of the Muslim holiday of Eid ul-Fitr, medics said on Saturday.

Two masked men carried out the shootout in the city of Khasavyurt, leaving unhindered after the shooting, police in the North Caucasus republic said in a statement.

Eight people were hospitalized, two of them in intensive care, an employee of a local hospital told RIA Novosti. Police earlier put the number of victims at six.
The attack took place at a Shiite mosque, the report said. Dagestan is a predominantly Sunni region, while many members of the local Islamic insurgency belong to the Wahhabi sect.....

A bomb went off at a mosque   in Dagestan, where on Saturday two unknown assailants opened fire wounding eight people, a spokesman for the local Interior Ministry said.

“Two explosive devices were discovered. One went off and another was demined,” the spokesman said adding that there were people wounded in the blast but did not specify the number......

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