Saturday, August 18, 2012

New caliphated Tunisia ... harbinger of what's coming to "moderate" Muslim countries

And to think that the USA is dancing lovingly cheek to cheek  with Saudi Arabia, the country that has spread this evil around the world is just totally unbearable.  The vid below is from Jan.2012.

....Tunisia's resurgent Salafists    have succeeded in disrupting a string of cultural events deemed un-Islamic, with artists and opposition media increasingly blaming the Islamist-led government for failing to rein them in.

The hardline Islamists on Wednesday prevented an Iranian group from performing at a Sufi music festival in Kairouan, south of Tunis, saying their Shiite chanting amounted to an attack on sacred Muslim values.

Although it did not trigger any violence, as happened when Salafists attacked a Tunis art gallery in June, it was at least the third such incident in just 10 days, coming in the middle of the festival season and the holy month of Ramadan.

Last week, the director of a festival at Gboullat, in the northern Beja region, announced he was cancelling the event under pressure notably from the Salafists -- who adhere to a strict interpretation of Islam similar to the one practised in Saudi Arabia.

Another festival had been cancelled at the end of July, in Sejnane, with the organisers again blaming radical Islamists, who interrupted the event, saying it was unacceptable during the month of Ramadan.

Then on Tuesday, the night before the Iranian group was barred from the stage, renowned Tunisian actor Lotfi Abdelli was prevented from performing his comedy act "100% Halal" by hardline Muslims who had occupied the auditorium.....

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