Saturday, August 18, 2012

HAHAHAHAHAHAH ... Terrorists in Syria warn they will turn to Al Qaeda for help if West does not arm them

As if we didn't know that the West has been arming the opposition from day one of the civil war!  And, as if  we didn't know Al Qaeda was already operating in Syria !!!   HAHAHAHAHAHAH   Who knew terrorists could be this funny with their blackmail tactics, eh!!

From the JakataGlobe:
....With the West still refusing  to arm Syria’s opposition in the bloody fight against the regime, rebels in the flashpoint northern city of Aleppo warn that they could turn to Al-Qaeda for help.

“We don’t want Al--Qaeda here, but if nobody else helps us, we will make an alliance with them,” said Abu Ammar, a rebel commander in the central Bab al-Nasr district of Aleppo, scene of raging battles for almost a month.

“And you can bet if Al-Qaeda comes here, they will brainwash the people,” he said. “If Al-Qaeda enters Aleppo, the city will become their base within three months.”....

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