Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Bad, Bad Badminton players

Bad opening ceremonies, bad cycling,  bad sale of  seats,  bad sports ... bad everything with Olympics London 2012.  

Badminton pairs expelled from London 2012 Olympics after 'match-fixing' scandal. All eight badminton players accused of attempting to throw their matches in the women’s doubles on Tuesday night have been disqualified from the London Olympics, Telegraph Sport can disclose.

The eight players from four teams in the women's doubles competition have been thrown out following an inquiry by the Badminton World Federation in London on Wednesday morning.

The expelled players include Chinese World Champions Wang Xiaoli and Yu Yang, who were accused by other players of attempting to throw their ‘dead rubber’ in order to avoid playing China’s No 2 ranked pair before the gold-medal match.

The Chinese actions appear to have triggered a response from pairs from South Korea and Indonesia, who in turn tried to lose to subvert the Chinese plan.

Since the announcement, Indonesia and South Korea have announced they will appeal the decision though China have yet to say if they will or not........

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