Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Egypt on way to becoming like lawless Libya

If you think that statement is too far-fetched, then read what happened in Libya in April 2012 Amnesty Intl report ...page 19.    

Neurosurgeon Hisham Anour Ben Khayal was abducted in Tripoli on 1 April by a militia from  al-Zawiya which blamed him for the death of their relative, Fathi Mohamed Abou Shanaf. They claim that Fathi Mohamed Abou Shanaf died as a result of medical neglect while being treated in the Sbi’a Hospital, where Hisham Anour Ben Khayal headed the neurosurgery department. They held him at their base, where he was beaten with sticks and whips....

....Hisham Anour Ben Khayal said that he wasn’t even the treating physician in the case, and two operations were conducted at the Sbi’a Hospital in an attempt to save the patient......

THEN read the below of what happened in one of Cairo's biggest hospital:

One of Cairo's largest public hospitals closes its doors temporarily and its doctors threaten to strike following violent assault against providers and gunshots fired at the building.  Several doctors have been attacked and gunshots were fired at Cairo's Qasr Al-Aini hospital on Tuesday, leading the hospital to temporarily close its doors.

According to Al Ahram Arabic-language news site, the attack was part of a fight that had erupted in Cairo's impoverished Boulaq district.
Two injured were transported to the hospital to seek care for their gunshot wounds. One of them lost his life.
Angered by his death, relatives of the deceased attacked the doctors and destroyed parts of the hospital's seventh floor.
They also went on to search for other patients whom they believe were involved in killing their family member........

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