Sunday, July 29, 2012

Religion of Pieces have enough material to build a mountain out of chunks of human flesh and blood plasma

There must be something in that rose water that muzzies drink during Ramadan.  How else to explain the "kill' count during their supposedly 'holy' month?  Tally from July 21 - 25.

2012.07.25 Pakistan  Gulbehar A 14-year-old girl is murdered when Lashkar e Jhangvi gunmen attack a Shia ceremony.
2012.07.25 Nigeria Maiduguri Sharia fanatics attack an Indian-owned business and murder the owners.
2012.07.25 Iraq Ad-Dawr Four children under the age of 10 are dismantled along with their mother by Religion of Peace bombers.
2012.07.25 Pakistan   Bara Islamists kidnap a 70-year-old man, slit his throat and then spray him with bullets.
2012.07.24 Iraq Baqubah Three passersby are killed when terrorists blow up a parked bus.
2012.07.24 Iraq  Tuz Khormato al-Qaeda is suspected in the murder of six Kurdish intelligence officers.
2012.07.24 Afghanistan  Parwan Two Afghans and an American engineer are machine-gunned by Sunni fundamentalists.
2012.07.24 Nigeria Kano            A married couple are murdered by pro-Sharia gunmen.
2012.07.24 Nigeria Gwamaja A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.07.24 Iraq Kirkuk A 10-year-old girl is pulled into pieces by an 'insurgent' bomb.
2012.07.24 Afghanistan Ghor Seven children are torn to shreds by a Taliban bomb.
2012.07.23 Iraq Taji Forty-two people are killed in a series of al-Qaeda bombings outside a housing complex.
2012.07.23 Iraq Dhuluiya Sixteen Iraqis are taken out by a Mujahideen grenade and shooting attack.
2012.07.23 Iraq Sadr City Sunni bombers strike at the heart of a Shiite slum, slaughtering at least twenty-one with two car bombs.
2012.07.23 Iraq Mosul Holy Warriors take down nine locals in armed attacks.
2012.07.23 Iraq Kirkuk At least a dozen people are shot or blown up by a series of al-Qaeda attacks.
2012.07.23 Iraq Baghdad An additional seventen Iraqs are reported dead from small arms attacks and bombings claimed by the Islamic State of Iraq.
2012.07.23 Nigeria Bauchi Sharia advocates set off a bomb near a local bar, killing a 6-year-old boy.
2012.07.23 Iraq Baghdad Six Shiites are blown to bits by Sunni bombers while relaxing at a cafe.
2012.07.23 Iraq Baquban Jihadis exterminate three Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2012.07.23 Iraq Udhaim Thirteen Iraqis are mowed down at point blank range by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2012.07.23 Iraq Diwaniya al-Qaeda 'insurgents' car bomb a vegetable market, killing at least five patrons.
2012.07.23 Nigeria Maiduguri Five people lose their lives to Boko Haram gunmen.
2012.07.23 Nigeria Bulumkutu Three men are assassinated by suspected Islamists in separate attacks.
2012.07.22 Iraq Madaen Sunni bombers take out fifteen Shia shoppers at a packed market.
2012.07.22 Iraq Najaf A Sunni attempt to car bomb a Shia shrine leaves two dozen injured.
2012.07.22 Iraq Mahmudiya Three Ramadan bombs leave eleven Iraqis dead.
2012.07.22 Syria  Damascus The 'Islamic Brigade' stops a car carrying a Christian family, force them out and then massacre them, including the two children.
2012.07.22 Iraq Najaf A busy trading street is the target of Mujahideen bomber, who kill four innocents.
2012.07.22 Saudi Arabia Riyadh Extremists assassinate a government official with a bomb.
2012.07.22 Afghanistan Jalrez Five civilians are captured by the Taliban, then bound and executed.
2012.07.22 Afghanistan Kabul A terrorist disguised in uniform turns his weapon on civilian workers, killing three.
2012.07.22 Afghanistan  Helmand A father shoots his two daughters to death for leaving home with a man.
2012.07.22 Philippines  Tumahubong There are four casualties when suspected Abu Sayaaf gunmen ambush a group of priests.
2012.07.22 Somalia  Lower Shabelle Three 'spies' are executed by al-Shabaab.
2012.07.22 Iraq Baghdad           The bodyguard of a Shiite politician is gunned down by suspected Sunni shooters.
2012.07.22 Pakistan Hyderabad Two Christians are shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2012.07.21 Pakistan Gadap A medical worker is assassinated by the Taliban for assisting an anti-polio drive.
2012.07.21 Pakistan Dir Bala Fundamentalists bomb a peace committee bus, killing four riders.
2012.07.21 Tajikistan Khorog A government official is stabbed to death by an Islamic radical.
2012.07.21 Pakistan  Dhog Darra Taliban bombers take down three civilians in a pick-up truck.
2012.07.21 Pakistan  Spin Thall Eight young children are among a dozen people disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2012.07.21 Ingushetia  Magas Two security personnel die in a grenade and small arms ambush on their vehicle.

Via: TROP    

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