Sunday, July 29, 2012

Canadians voice their apprehension on the proposed return of terrorist Omar Khadr to Canada

TORONTO .. Ontario
From BlazingCatFur blog

more here.

The Canadian government has balked at the return of the convicted war criminal and murderer until U.S. authorities turn over allegedly-damning video footage of psychiatrists’ interviews with the Guantanamo Bay prisoner.

You made a difference.

"Things have gotten so twisted   that even the former General Romeo Dallaire started a petition to bring Omar back. That support for a terrorist completes his total failure as a military man. Can you imagine Eisenhower and Patton doing the same on behalf of the Nazis? Obviously, honour and patriotism are no more necessary among the Canadian elites."..........

"I want to stop him   from coming back and if he does come back, I want him to be tried for treason. I am tired that he is treated like a hero and the victims are ignored," said Kapoor, who is with Canadian Patriots Unite Against Terrorist Omar Khadr."..........

From : CIReport website;
MONTREAL ... Quebec

 On July 18th, the Quebec chapter of ACT! for Canada  organized a rally to alert Canadians of the upcoming repatriation of convicted war criminal Omar Ahmed Khadr.

Guest speaker: Marc Lebuis of  Point de Bascule Canada.

EDMONTON ... Alberta

 A group of Edmontonians  rallied downtown at noon Wednesday to protest Omar Khadr’s potential return to Canada.

About 15 to 20 protesters demanded the federal government block Khadr from returning to his home country or have him charged with treason.
“He is a confessed killer and a jihadist, and he is a threat to our country,” said protester Sharon Maclise outside the Edmonton Law Courts.
“We’re here to ask our government that if in fact they have to bring him back, we want him to be charged with treason the moment he crosses the border.”
Toronto-born Khadr was arrested by U.S. forces in Afghanistan in 2002, at age 15, following a U.S. air strike on an Afghan compound. He has since been detained at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, and in 2010 he pleaded guilty to throwing a grenade that killed a U.S. soldier in July 2002.

More here

I believe there were more protests organized  in other cities of Canada and this posting will be updated when that info becomes available  

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