Saturday, July 14, 2012

No Rock n Roll for Turks .... Turkey slow roasted by Islamists

Here's an easy prediction ... as soon as Turkey becomes part of the EU, the entire  European Union will become one big Shariah-ed roast.  Europe's goose is cooked.  Those who don't like Shariah-ed meat will have to acquire a taste for it or else.....

Islamic group Yesilay (Green Crescent Moon)  has asked authorities to ban the One Love rock music festival, which is sponsored by Turkish beer Efes, because ''it incites young people to drink alcohol,'' Hurriyet daily reported today.

Yesilay President Muharrem Balci has asked Istanbul's governor to shut down the festival, to be held at Istanbul's progressive Bilgi University this weekend, alleging that Turkish law forbids festivals with alcoholic beverages in their name, Hurriyet said....

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