Saturday, July 14, 2012

Blood n Gore News from Muslim countries where your tax dollars go to keep them killing-fit

Afghanistan:   A suicide bomber blew himself   up Saturday in a wedding hall in northern Afghanistan, killing at least 23 people including a prominent warlord-turned-politician and three Afghan security force officials, in an attack that deals a setback to efforts to unify the nation's ethnic factions, Afghan officials said.
Ahmad Khan Samangani, an ethnic Uzbek and anti-Soviet guerrilla leader in the 1980s who later became a member of parliament, was welcoming guests to his daughter's wedding when the explosion occurred in Aybak, the capital of Samangan province.
President Hamid Karzai said 23 people were killed and about 60, including government officials, were wounded in the attack, which he condemned and said was 'carried out by the enemies of Afghanistan.'

Nigeria: A suicide bomber has killed five people at a mosque in the north-eastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri, security officials say....
....BBC Nigeria analyst Jimeh Saleh says the group has not targeted a mosque before, but it is known to have assassinated Muslim leaders.
"A lone suicide bomber blew himself up while targeting some dignitaries coming back from the Friday prayer," Bala Hassan, Borno state's police commissioner, told the AFP news agency.....

Pakistan:  Gunmen on Thursday shot dead nine police  and prison staff, and wounded three others after storming a building in Ichhra where they were sleeping, police said; meanwhile the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan has claimed the responsibility of the incident.
The attackers arrived on motorbikes and targeted a building in the densely populated area of Ichhra, where up to 31 police and prison staff were living, mostly officers from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa who were in Lahore for training.

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