Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Yes, Canada! The sane thing to do is to get out of the lunatic asylum known as the United Nations

The abundance of  harebrained ideas and decisions coming out of the UN are so numerous and so galling that someone has even started a Wikipedia page devoted to it titled:  "Criticism of the United Nations"    and it has taken a life of it's own.  That goes to show how much off the rails the UN has gone and in doing so it has ticked off people around the globe ... people who believe in equality and fairness and have a penchant for the truth ... whatever it may be and wherever it might lead.  People who believe in freedom above everything else.  The UN is nothing but a force to control the freedoms of  individual countries and hence the freedom of individuals.

We as Canadians, have at long last, started to behave more and more like  responsible adults (after decades of Liberal babies at the helm of this great country almost destroyed Canada)  and the common sense thing to do as an adult nation that we have become is to get out of the lunatic asylum that the UN has become.

Brian Lilley, host of The Byline at SUN TV writes:
Three cheers for Larry Miller!   
Miller, the Member of Parliament for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, has announced that he wants Canada to review its participation in the United Nations system. Like me, Miller is upset at several actions of the UN including sending its special rapporteur on the “right to food” to investigate Canada, a land where even our poor are often obese. Miller sees that visit and its report condemning Canada and calling for European style social welfare programs as the solution to be a waste of time.
“The United Nations is an organization that was designed to work collectively to solve the major problems facing the world,” said Miller. “If this is the type of action that the UN will be taking then I think that it is high time that we review our participation in the United Nations.”.......
....Personally, I think Miller is on to something but doesn’t go far enough. I have long called for Canada to leave the UN and this latest report will hopefully help more Canadians see this is the right course of action......

The below is from the same Wikipedia entry (for all the countless links visit the wiki page)

In 2004, former ambassador to the UN Dore Gold published a book called Tower of Babble: How the United Nations Has Fueled Global Chaos. The book criticized what it called the organization's moral relativism in the face of (and occasional support of)[1] genocide and terrorism that occurred between the moral clarity of its founding period and the present day. While the UN during its founding period was limited to those nations that declared war on at least one of the Axis powers of World War II, and thus were capable of taking a stand against evil, the modern United Nations has, according to Gold, become diluted to the point where only 75 of the 184 member states during the time of the book's publication "were free democracies, according to Freedom House."[2] He further claimed that this had the effect of tipping the scales of the UN so that the organization as a whole was more amenable to the requirements of dictatorships.[2]
The UN General Assembly decided to hold a moment of silence in honor of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il following his death in 2011. Western diplomats criticized the decision. "An official at the Czech Republic's UN mission said the Czechs did not request a similar moment of silence for Vaclav Havel, the playwright-turned-dissident who died" a day after Kim.[3]

There has been controversy and criticism of the UN organization and its activities since at least the 1950s. In the United States, an early opponent of the UN was the John Birch Society, which began a "get US out of the UN" campaign in 1959, charging that the UN's aim was to establish a "One World Government."
Charles de Gaulle of France criticized the UN, famously calling it le machin ("the whatchamacallit"), and was not convinced that a global security alliance would help in maintaining world peace, preferring that the UN direct defense treaties between countries.[4]...........
....The UNFPA provided aid to Peru's population control program in the mid-to-late '90s, when it was discovered the Peruvian program had been engaged in carrying out coercive sterilizations. The UNFPA was not found directly involved in the scandal, but continued to fund and work with the population control program after the abuses had become public.[5] The issue played a role in the Bush administration's controversial decision in 2002 to cut off funding for the organization.[6]........
........This has led to accusations that the UNSC only addresses the strategic interests and political motives of the permanent members, especially in humanitarian interventions: for example, protecting the oil-rich Kuwaitis in 1991 but poorly protecting resource-poor Rwandans in 1994.[7] Similarly, UN was quick to take a military action through NATO against Libya in 2011 against repressive regime, but as of March 2012 it still hasn't taken any decision on whether to take any action against Syria......

........Issues relating to the state of Israel, the Palestinian people and other aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict occupy a large amount of debate time, resolutions and resources at the United Nations. Critics such as Dore Gold, Alan Dershowitz, Mark Dreyfus, Robert S. Wistrich, Alan Keyes, and the Anti-Defamation League consider UN attention on Israel's treatment of Palestinians to be excessive.[23][24][25][26][27][28] According to Wistrich, "a third of all critical resolutions passed by [the UN] Human Rights Commission during the past forty years have been directed exclusively at Israel. By way of comparison, there has not been a single resolution even mentioning the massive violations of human rights in China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Syria, or Zimbabwe."[29]
The adoption of UNSCOP's recommendation to partition Palestine by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947[30] was one of the earliest decisions of the UN. According to political commentator Alan Dershowitz, after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the UN defined the term "refugee" as applied to Palestinian Arabs fleeing Israel in significantly broader terms than it did for other refugees of other conflicts.[31]........
.....The UN has been accused by Dershowitz, human rights activists Elie Wiesel, Anne Bayefsky, and Bayard Rustin, historian Robert S. Wistrich, and feminists Phyllis Chesler and Sonia Johnson of tolerating antisemitic remarks within its walls.[23][26][34][35] Israeli delegates to the UN "have been treated to a sickening litany of anti-Semitic abuse at the General Assembly, in the UN Human Rights Commission, and sometimes even in the Security Council" for decades.[23]
UN conferences throughout the 1970s and into the 1980s often passed resolutions denouncing Zionism. These conferences often did not have anything to do with Middle East politics. UN documents of the period denied the existence of the Jewish people, the history of ancient Israel, the Holocaust, and the notion that Jews deserve the same rights granted to other groups..Wistrich described the 1980 World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women in Copenhagen in his book, A Lethal Obsession:
"Jewish feminists heard truly chilling comments, such as 'The only good Jew is a dead Jew' and 'The only way to rid the world of Zionism is to kill all the Jews.' One eye-witness overheard other delegates saying that the American women's movement had a bad name because its most prominent founding figures ... were all Jewish. The feminist activist Sonia Johnson described the anti-Semitism at the Copenhagen conference as 'over, wild, and irrational.' ... The psychologist and author Phyllis Chesler recorded the savage response when one Jewish woman mentioned that her husband had been shot without a trial in Iraq and that she had to escape to Israel with her children. The place went wild: 'Cuba si! Yankee no! PLO! PLO!' they shouted. 'Israel kills babies and women. Israel must die.'"[23]....
.....According to Dore Gold, Alan Dershowitz, and Robert S. Wistrich, the United Nations has a long history of elevating what it calls "national liberation movements," armed groups who commit violence against civilians to achieve political goals, virtually to the status of civilians.[42][26][43] In 1974 and again in 1988, the UN invited Yasser Arafat to address the General Assembly.[42][44][45][46] Alan Dershowitz accused the UN of allowing states that sponsor terrorism to sit on the Security Council.[47] These visits legitimized the PLO without it "having to renounce terrorism."[48]
In July 1976, Palestinian and German terrorists hijacked an Air France plane headed from France to Israel, landed it in Uganda, and threatened to kill the civilian hostages. Ugandan dictator Idi Amin Dada provided sanctuary for the terrorists in the Entebbe airport. After Israel raided the Ugandan airport and saved most of the hostages, United Nations Secretary General Kurt Waldheim "condemned Israel" for the violation of "Ugandan sovereignty."[49]....

For those of you who are still not convinced that a common-sense nation like Canada who believes in equal rights for every living being on earth, should quit the membership of the United Nations .... do you really and truly want to be associated with this:

UN General Assembly Votes To Allow Gays To Be Executed Without Cause  ...Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people were once again subject to the whims of homophobia and religious and cultural extremism this week, thanks to a United Nations vote that removed “sexual orientation” from a resolution that protects people from arbitrary executions. In other words, the UN General Assembly this week voted to allow LGBT people to be executed without cause.......

And at the risk of sounding like that guy from that annoying ad on TV...   BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE to help convince you that the UN has become a monster with a stealth agenda and the sooner we get out of the Mafioso club the better.:

Phyllis  Schlafly a Constitutional lawyer and  conservative activist and author, writes: At the 55th annual meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City on September 5-9, 2000, called the Millennium Assembly and Summit, far-reaching plans are underway to turn the corner from a world of sovereign, independent nation-states to a world of disparate peoples subordinated to the supreme authority of the United Nations. These plans call for the total restructuring of the mission and powers of the United Nations.

To achieve this goal, the UN is scheduled to consider at least two actions, by consensus rather than by formal vote: adoption of the Earth Charter, a document whose text has evolved through several drafts since the Earth Summit in 1992, and adoption of a Declaration authorizing a new UN commission to implement recommendations to bring about global governance. Global governance means world government by incremental steps, chipping away at national sovereignty one treaty at a time, one world conference at a time, one UN commission at a time.

A portion of the Millennium Assembly is designated as the Millennium Summit, which President Bill Clinton and 160 heads of state are expected to attend, the largest gathering of heads of state in history. Also meeting at the same time at the New York Hilton will be Mikhail Gorbachev and his State of the World Forum, hoping to help induce heads of state to concur in the Millennium Assembly's historic actions. Gorbachev has been promoting world government ever since his 1992 speech at the Churchill Memorial in Fulton, Missouri, where he called for a "global structure," "a democratically organized world community," a "restructured" United Nations with "armed forces" and "substantial funding," and "some mechanism tying the UN to the world economy."...........

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