Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Public Safety Alert ... this scumbag might be living near you in Toronto

Pic of the scumbag is at the link.
On Friday, June 8, 2012, Hassan Steven Jarrar, 40, was released from prison after serving a 15−year sentence for aggravated sexual assault and assault. He was held in custody for the full duration of his sentence.
He was convicted in 1997 in relation to a serious attack on a woman. 
The victim’s near−lifeless body was discovered in a remote area near Lake Ontario. She sustained serious injuries, remained in the hospital for several months and underwent extensive rehabilitation to learn to eat, walk and talk.
While incarcerated, he refused to participate in any treatment program or counselling.

The Toronto Police Service Sex Crimes Unit is notifying the public about his release because of his potential to re−offend. He will be residing in Toronto.
He is currently on a release with numerous conditions including:
1) To report weekly, in person, to the Toronto Police Service
2) Notify the Toronto Police Service of any change in address, or if he is leaving the Toronto area
3) Nightly curfew

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