Thursday, June 21, 2012

Toronto's development news

Mayor Rob Ford stays in touch with Torontonians and as you can see from his email message he is proud of the city's ongoing development and the roaring real estate business.

However, there's one thing that puzzles me.  How come Toronto is growing at this breakneck speed while at the same time so many cities in the USA are dying off?  Are the Americans the new residents here?  Or are the Canadians who were enjoying the benefits of the greener pastures down south, returning back to Canada?  Are all the new immigrants heading to Toronto?  What will happen to the city and the countless condominiums when these new residents, which logic should tell us are temporary in transit,  decide to go back to the USA when the USA (hopefully) recovers from Obamaddiction. What if many of the  new immigrants also head to other parts of  Canada or down south?   Yes, I am pessimistic about the  construction and real estate business doing gloriously at the moment....  haven't we seen how what goes up can come down with a thud.... a mighty thud.
Dear Friends: 
It has been a very busy week for us in this great city of ours.Toronto is continuing to grow at a phenomenal rate. This morning I had the pleasure of attending the latest groundbreaking for a new development with Councillor Norm Kelly (Ward 40, Scarborough Agincourt). The new Gemterra Love Condominium development will be an excellent addition to the community and add to the growing number of high-rise buildings under construction in Toronto.
Currently, there are 189 high-rise developments in Toronto, which is more than New York City and Mexico City combined. This week also marked the end of the Clean Toronto Together campaign for this year. Yesterday, I participated in a cheque presentation ceremony with TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and Pizza Pizza with the winning school of the KIDS CAN! Contest - Knob Hill Public School. The Kids Can! Contest encourages students to submit video and picture submissions that demonstrate how to keep their communities clean.
 Throughout the Clean Toronto Together initiative over 6,000 tons of litter were collected, 8,000 square metres of graffiti vandalism were removed. In addition, 714 trees, 139 abandoned bike, 445 tires and 48 shopping carts were collected/removed.
This is fantastic news and I hope next year we can continue to keep up the good work when we clean Toronto Together. Remember, 12 outdoor pools will open (weather permitting) this weekend and 80 splash pads are open in our parks across the City.
Please visit to see what is open in your community this weekend. As always, please tune into The City this Sunday at 1:00 p.m. on NEWSTALK 1010. Have a great weekend!
Yours truly,
Mayor Rob Ford

 More here  on Toronto's economic indicators.

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