Thursday, June 21, 2012

Josef "Koba" Stalin

Robert Duvall acts in this 1992 film based on the mass murderer Stalin.  You will love how the lefties betray each other when the going gets tough.  Fun to watch... although the director of the movie is trying to mislead the gullible into thinking that some of the lefties were good-hearted people.  Not fun to watch is how Stalin and his gang killed millions, yes "millions"  of farmers and peasants ... all in the name of the "greater good" of the revolution.  Time and time again, we see how leftism is a deadly professional marksman in the guise of a Good Samaritan and time and time again we choose to ignore that fact and label lefties as just misguided loonies who will understand the world as they grow older.  People on the extreme Left are as dangerous as the headchoppers, only difference is ...they do the chopping  without yelling "Allahu Akbar".

It's a long TV movie that has somewhat captured the essence of the marxist mind  but has falsely romanticized Stalin's relationship with his wife. The real Stalin, although married twice,  had two other relationships and more than four children. The real Stalin was a paranoid ruthless killer and did not have an iota of humanity in him and neither did any of the hangers-on around him.  However, all in all, the movie is worth watching if only to see the acting ability of Robert Duvall and to catch a bit of history.

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