Sunday, June 17, 2012

Religion of Peace thinks Summer days are for soaking the earth with red hot blood

A 5-day killing contest brought to you by the murderous Muslims of this world of ours.  From June 6 to June 10, muslims as usual were busy cutting innocent people into pieces or blowing them up  into  watery red messes.  Syria and Yemen are not on this list as both countries are in civil wars (no matter what the MSM tells you or what you believe) and people killed in those two countries must have  averaged a whole lot more on a daily basis then the combined total of the rest  here.  Iraq is at the start of it's own civil war too.  This period also saw 20 Buddhists being murdered in Burma and 14 Christians killed in Nigeria.  Also, we must not forget that for every person killed in a bombing incident, there will be at least one other or more injured, many of whom are likely to lose their lives due to the injuries suffered, but those dying days after from their injuries never get mentioned in the news.  The final count of every atrocity recorded below will be more than counted at first go.

2012.06.10 Nigeria Jos A Shahid suicide bomber detonates inside a church during Sunday morning service, killing at least four.
2012.06.10 Pakistan Ibrahimzai  Two Shiites are brutally tortured to death by Wahhabi terrorists.
2012.06.10 Nigeria Biu A woman and an usher are among two Christians machine-gunned by Islamists during a church service.
2012.06.10 Iraq Baghdad Sunnis successfully hit a square packed with Shiite pilgrims with mortar bombs, killing at least seven.
2012.06.10 Thailand Pattani Three children are among six casualties of a Muslim grenade attack.
2012.06.10 Pakistan Kari Kot Chowk Two women are among three killed in a rocket attack by Islamic militants.
2012.06.10 Kuwait Manama  A 19-year-old woman is beaten and strangled by her brothers on orders from their father over a suspected moral issue.
2012.06.09     Belgium Brussels Two police officers are stabbed with a knife at a train station by an Islamist.
2012.06.09 Afghanistan Kapisa A Fedayeen suicide bomber in a burqa kills four French soldiers.
2012.06.09 Thailand Pattani Muslim gunmen blow away a man sitting in a tea shop.
2012.06.09 Myanmar Muangdaw Another sixteen Buddhists are reported dead following a rampage by Muslim migrants.
2012.06.08 Iraq Garma Three Iraqis are taken down by terrorist roadside bombers.
2012.06.08 Nigeria Maiduguri A Religion of Peace suicide bomber sends eight Nigerians to Allah.
2012.06.08 Iraq Baghdad A brutal ambush of a family vehicle by Mujahideen leaves a married couple dead and their three children injured.
2012.06.08 Pakistan  Peshawar Seven women and a child are among nineteen innocents on a bus torn to shreds by a Sunni bomb.
2012.06.08 Myanmar  Muangdaw Four Buddhists, including a doctor and an elderly man, are stabbed to death by Muslim rioters following Friday prayers.
2012.06.07 Pakistan  quetta Five children are among fifteen people blown up by sectarian Jihadis outside a Sunni seminary.
2012.06.07 Iraq Baghdad   al-Qaeda militant murders two prison guards.
2012.06.07 Iraq Tarmiyah  Two Iraqis are machine-gunned at point-blank range by al-Qaeda.
2012.06.07 Egypt Assuit Three female family members are carved up and beheaded by two brothers concerned about immoral activities.
2012.06.06 Pakistan Bara Two members of a peace committee are shot to death by Lashkar-e-Islam.
2012.06.06 Dagestan Kizilyurt Suspected Islamic snipers take down another cop.
2012.06.06 Thailand Narathiwat A woman is among two villagers shot to death by Muslim 'insurgents', who also burn down a school.
2012.06.06 Afghanistan Kandahar   a pair of Shahid suicide bombers take out nearly two dozen people at a bazaar.

via: TROP

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