Sunday, June 17, 2012

Every Sunday, what's the Muslims' favorite activity in Nigeria? Kill Christians in their churches

The Nigerian govt is becoming increasingly ineffective. Do they need more bribes?  The Nigerians are setting a new standard by which to identify them.  Internet fraudsters prying on the gullible... we knew about ...  you must have heard of all those millions of dollars that the  Nigerian govt. officials and their relatives had managed to hoard in banks and didn't  know how to withdraw the money without  your help etc.etc.   Now, over and besides that fantastic reputation that the country has earned,  we can identify Nigeria as the place with "Boko Haram" killers of Christians running wild while the govt of Nigeria  stands by uselessly and helplessly.

Shame on the Nigerian govt and everybody involved in their police services.  Shame on the United Nations for their silence.  Can you imagine the outcry from Ban Ki Moon, Kofi Annan and the other lunatics at the UN if  even 1% of what's happening to the Christians in Nigeria had happened to Muslims at the hands of  Christians ?

Sunday June 17 ... 5 killed, 40+ wounded:
UPDATE June18:  21 killed, 100+ wounded
   Five persons were killed today in Jos, Plateau    State by irate youths protesting the suicide bombing attack that killed several people at Lord’s Chosen Assembly Church in Jos early morning.
The Jama’atu Alus Sunna Lidaawati Wal Jihad popularly known as Boko Haram has claimed responsibility of the suicide attacks in Jos, Plateau State, they also claimed credit for another attack targeted at EYN Church in Tabra- Biu, Borno State. The sect said it did it to prove that Nigerian security agencies cannot stop its attacks and operations in the north.

Sunday June 10:   A suicide car bomber detonated his explosives Sunday outside a church in central Nigeria as gunmen attacked another church in the nation's northeast, killing at least six people and wounding dozens of others in the latest attacks targeting Christian worshippers in a nation increasingly divided by faith, officials and witnesses said. A radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram claimed the attacks.
The violence Sunday in Jos and Biu, a city in hard-hit northeastern Borno state, comes as almost every weekend this year has seen churches targeted by Boko Haram and other shadowy assailants exacerbating the country's unease. Despite a heavy military presence in the region, deadly attacks by the sect have continued unstopped.....

On other Sundays: Kano, Nigeria— (TCSM) An early morning attack   on a Christian church service in northern Nigeria left at least 16 people dead. The attack follows a string of violent incidents against Christians in the predominantly Muslim north.
Gunmen on motorcycles stormed Bayero University in the city of Kano Sunday morning during a Catholic mass held in the school's theater hall. The unidentified assailants threw improvised explosive devices as they traveled from the gates to the theater, and opened fire as people fled.
University spokesperson Alhaji Mustapha Zahradeen said seven people were killed. Eyewitness, however, said rescue operators have removed at least 18 dead bodies.........

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