Saturday, June 16, 2012

La Presse does what the MSM usually does ... report one-sided news

The reporter at La Presse and the lawyer representing Joanna Martinez should hide their faces in shame ... but then when have we known of  reporters and especially lawyers ever being ashamed of whatever they do or say?

Minister Kenney’s Office releases statement regarding article in La Presse.

Ottawa, June 12, 2012 — The Office of the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, released the following statement today regarding an article that appeared on Monday in La Presse:

On June 11, 2012, La Presse journalist Anabelle Nicoud wrote an article about Joanna Martinez. Ms. Nicoud did not approach CIC before writing the article.

Stories presenting only one side of a story can lead to public distrust of the rule of law. Factually incorrect or incomplete reporting usually leaves the impression that Canada’s refugee determination system is unjust or heartless. In fact, Canada has the most generous and fair refugee determination system in the world. Less than one per cent of the decisions made by the highly-trained adjudicators on the Immigration and Refugee Board are overturned by the federal courts on appeal. That is a remarkable record, and one of which Canadians should be proud.

In order to ensure that the reputation of our refugee determination system is not tarnished unfairly, we are releasing the full chronology of Ms. Martinez and her interactions with Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Although privacy laws generally forbid us from releasing such information, in this case Ms.  Martinez has a long, public record in front of criminal and civil courts in Canada and the United States. We are releasing only the public information, which is still an incomplete picture of the case....

Summary of facts:
Ms. Martinez is a fugitive, with a long criminal history in at least three states: New York, New Jersey and Florida.She has used at least 15 (possibly as many as 20) different aliases in the past.
She has claimed at least nine different dates of birth ranging from August 8, 1970 to April 27, 1979.
She has also claimed various different places of birth.
She claimed refugee status in Canada, maintaining that her husband Fernando Suarez-Garcia was kidnapped by the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Force (FARC) and that her life was in danger in Colombia. Ms. Martinez has claimed various dates for the kidnapping, ranging from June 23, 2004 to July 29, 2004.
The IRB found that Ms. Martinez was not “credible.” Ms. Martinez could not satisfy the IRB that she and her family were actually in Colombia at the time of the claimed kidnapping.
The IRB found that Ms. Martinez could not answer direct questions and was inconsistent in her answers.
When asked about her arrival in Toronto on August 2, 2004, Ms. Martinez claimed that she enjoyed Toronto and that she remembers there being snow on the ground.
Fernando Suarez-Garcia, the husband of Ms. Martinez, has been found to be a member of a criminal organization specializing in jewellery and money theft in the Montreal area....

here is the article from La Presse ... she sure looks all sweet and innocent.

via: CIReport

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