Saturday, June 16, 2012

For a Conference on "Counter-Terrorism" ... Israel does not get an invite

Yeah folks ... better believe it.   This is Obama's mad, mad world,  helped along by the witch Hillary Clinton and the certifiably  insane United Nations.

29 countries plus the entire block of the EU countries are the founding members of this new body known as the GCTF ...  but guess which country is excluded.  Not only is Israel excluded, she does not get an invite for their latest conference.

Apparently, Israel is of no consequence as that country has never had to face  terrorism ... and that gotta be a good reason not to have her on board as a founding member and also not to invite her to the conference, right ?!!!!   Israel knows nothing, nada, nil, zilch about terrorism ... so what would she  be able to contribute to the  conference ?

You will be aghast (or maybe we are well past all unpleasant surprises and have got to that stage when even the most insane things seem not to faze us at all) to see that Pakistan, Nigeria and all the Wahhabi nations like Saudi Arabia, Qatar  and UAE are included in the "founding members".   Yes, folks .... the countries from whence almost all the terrorists come sauntering  from are the founding members.  Did you have your vomit bucket handy or did you hurl all over the place?

Also, why did Canada not demand why the GCTF excluded Israel from being a founding member of this committee?  Silence is often taken as agreement.  Did we agree to this insanity????????

 Eileen F. Toplansky writing at AmericanThinker   In a  letter penned on June 11, 2012, Senators Joseph Lieberman and Mark Kirk wrote to Secretary of State Clinton to "express [their] surprise and disappointment of the absence of ...Israel, from the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF)" which she attended in Istanbul last week.

Established in 2011, the Global Counterterrorism Forum: is a new multilateral counterterrorism body with 30 founding members (29 countries plus the EU) from around the world.....
 founding members of the GCTF  are:
Algeria, Australia, Canada, China, Colombia, Denmark, Egypt, the European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
Conspicuously absent is Israel, a country which has been the brunt of terrorism since its inception in 1948 and whose expertise in dealing with terror is unsurpassed.
Equally alarming is the fact that:
The United Nations is a close partner of and participant in the GCTF and its activities. The GCTF serves as a mechanism for furthering the implementation of the universally-agreed UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and, more broadly, complements and reinforces existing multilateral CT efforts, starting with those of the UN.
Given the unrelenting anti-Israel stance of the United Nations, this close partnership should raise credible suspicion that the GCTF will not serve as a counterterrorism forum by any means....

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