Monday, June 11, 2012

Hundreds of more bloody pieces from the Religion of Peace

Muslims have been busy mincing each other and others  too.  In Nigeria, a 5-day count from June 1-5, left almost 30 people dead,  most of  violently killed  in a church during a prayer service. That makes Nigeria the #1 butcher in this contest round.  Runner ups  are Iraq with over 25 cut to pieces and Pakistan with 14 dead.

You will note that Syria is not included in this list.  That's another  big sorry story of blood and mayhem.  Yemen had more than 70 dead bodies on June 3.  I consider both Syria and Yemen as  countries in the throes of civil war and therefore not eligible entrants to the  Religion of Pieces contest. They each need their very own blood bucket counts.

Also, take note that with the killings in Lebanon on June 2,  the Syrian conflict is now spreading to Lebanon and will escalate in the coming weeks.

Libya has had several deaths too.  The information coming out of Libya is only through  blogs maintained by Libyans living abroad and hence the information is  fragmented and not reliable. And, as the website I collect the listing  from as seen below, does not include those "probably rumors"  I too will refrain from including them.

2012.06.05 Afghanistan Wardak  4 Afghans are taken apart by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2012.06.05 Iraq Baghdad Nine people are killed in a series of Mujahideen shootings and bombings, one of which targeted a Shiite mosque.
2012.06.05 Pakistan Mand Two Shiite pilgrims are murdered by Sunni gunmen.
2012.06.04 Iraq Baghdad A Sunni suicide bomber plows an explosives-laden car into a Shiite religious center. Over two dozen innocents are slain.
2012.06.04 Pakistan Matani A peace volunteer is abducted and slaughtered by Muslim fundamentalists.
2012.06.03 Pakistan Qambar Khel A woman is among three people executed by Lashkar-e-Islam after being accused of immoral activity.
2012.06.03 Nigeria Bauchi A Holy Warrior runs his car into a church service and detonates, taking out over twenty praying Christians. The responsible group later thanks Allah for the victory.
2012.06.03 Pakistan Quetta Six innocents are killed during a Sunni shooting rampage at a Shia shop.
2012.06.03 Yemen Sa ada A sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia leaves nearly seventy dead.
2012.06.03 Pakistan Doaba Islamic militants shoot a man to death inside his home and abduct his grandchildren.
2012.06.02 Afghanistan Kabul A series of Mujahideen attacks leave five Afghans dead.
2012.06.02 France Villeurbanne Three young Jewish men with skullcaps are severely beaten with hammers and iron bars by ten Muslims.
2012.06.02 Pakistan Quetta Sunni snipers pick off a Shia civilian near a bus stop.
2012.06.02 Lebanon Tripoli Ten people are killed in a clash between Sunni and Alawite.
2012.06.02 Dagestan Makhachkala A traffic cop is assassinated by a suspected Islamist sniper.
2012.06.01 Israel Gaza Border Infiltrating terrorists open fire on a group of Israeli soldiers, killing one.
2012.06.01 Iraq Baghdad Terrorist take down a civilian with a roadside bomb.
2012.06.01 Afghanistan Khost Seven Afghans are sent to Allah by a Taliban suicide bomber.
2012.06.01 Nigeria Maiduguri A teacher inside a house is among three people shot dead by Islamic radicals.
2012.06.01 Nigeria Maiduguri Two civilians are gunned down by fundamentalists in a hotel that served alcohol.

via:   TROP  

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