Monday, June 11, 2012

Ghosts in hospitals? Who you gonna call? .... Saudi Ghost Busters, of course !!!

All is well, all is good, all is blissfully bonkers in the Kingdom of  White Gowns and Black Tents.

..Riyadh -The dingy corridors and gloomy wards of a long-abandoned Saudi Arabian hospital have drawn hundreds of amateur ghost hunters who believe it to be haunted by jinn
The macabre fascination with Riyadh’s Irqa Hospital, which treated Gulf War combatants in 1991, began with tweeted rumours and escalated to the point where hundreds of youths broke into the grounds, smashing windows and starting fires....
....A columnist in the English-language Saudi Gazette daily on Tuesday recommended that authorities form “a committee for the jinn” to help the owners of possessed houses.
“It would be no understatement to say we are sick and tired of evil sorcerers,” said the article.

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