Thursday, July 28, 2011

Look who made "best political books of the last 25 years" shortlist

The one and only Ezra Levant.

Shakedown: How Our Government is Undermining Democracy in the Name of Human Rights  by Ezra Levant  (published in 2009)

Read Ezra Levant's Q&A here!

While serving as the publisher of the Western Standard, Levant published the infamous Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed. A complaint was filed with the Alberta Human Rights Commission and when Levant went before the commission he vigorously argued that publishing the images fell under free speech laws. In light of these and other events, Levant argues that the Canadian Human Rights Commission has become a threat to core civil liberties. Shakedown is an exposé that reveals how far government-appointed human rights bodies have strayed from the noble purpose for which they were created.

Ezra Levant is a prominent conservative commentator who has authored several bestselling books including Ethical Oil: The Case for Canada's Oilsands. Levant earned a law degree from the University of Alberta and, in 2004, co-founded the Western Standard. Levant currently hosts The Source on Sun News Network and is a columnist for the Sun Media newspaper chain.

To see the other finalists visit  and cast your vote   for you know who.

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