Thursday, July 28, 2011

Koran monsters plaguing the Philippines with constant terrorist attacks .... do you hear the

BBC, CBC, CTV, CNN, NewYork Times, The Globe&Mailor or any other news medium making anything of muslims terrorizing the Christians there?  Do you know that the chances of a Christian nation like the Philippines going fully islamic, are very, very high?  With a corrupt and weak govt who has given autonomous rule to the muslim enclaves on some of the islands in the south of the country, how long do you think it will take before  the entire nation is swallowed up in islamic lunacy?

I strongly feel that NATO, instead of going into moslem lands to help moslems kill other moslems  and Christians and further diminish the non-moslem populace of those countries, they should instead venture into Christian countries like the Philippines and save those countries from moslems.
In the Philippines there are 4 terror organizations. Three of them are full-blown jihadist organizations. The last one.... and this won't surprise anyone .... is a Communist organization which is funded by moslems particulary the Jemaah Islamiyah and Al Qaeda. There is a clear and absolute link between this militant organization which is a wing of the Communist National Party of the country and islamists. They call themselves the New Peoples' Army. Communists in the Philippines are a tool in the hands of the islamists.... no surprise there.

Is it hard to believe that all leftish media in the West also happen to be tools in the hands of the taqiyyah masters ?

The three full-blown jihadist terror groups are: The Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF),The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Abu Sayyaf Group.

Why are they killing, maiming, beheading, firebombing and other stuff that moslems do in Christian countries? You know the answer... but just in case you don't : They want independent Islamic nations in the Filipino islands wherever there are sizeable muslim populations.

It's not new. This is always what they want. Any Christian country these people invade, on the pretext of being peaceful immigrants, is soon turned into a moslem land. Look at Lebanon. Look at Ivory Coast. Look at Egypt. Look at Kosovo. Look at the break-up of a once non-muslim Sudan. Look at the transformation of Turkey from a secular to an islamic state. The examples are so many .... I feel depressed just thinking about the mayhem these moslems bring everywhere they go and yet the leftish govts or leftish parties of the Western world willing let it happen while calling patriots who are against such invasions "racists","haters" and "islamophobics". Such words and such trickery should not deter us from telling the truth as we see it, while it is happening in our lifetime with our own eyes, and through the pages of both the recent past and centuries ago.

Talk to any politically savvy Filipino and you will get the horror stories Christians are put through if they as much as walk through a moslem locality. It is so bad in a place called Mindanao, which is an entire island claimed by muslims as always being theirs and theirs alone, that the govt. of the Philippines was compelled to let the muslims there have their own autonomous rule in order to halt the almost daily bloodshed. This cowardly action has helped embolden similar enclaves in Western nations like the UK, Sweden, France and elsewhere where demands for shariah and self-rule are becoming stridently loud and their actions are becoming more militant.

You don't see such situations developing in Canada ? Right .... go back to sleep. Rock-a-bye-baby on the dhimmi top. When the top breaks the dhimmi will tumble and fall.

As if the islamic onslaught on the Christians in the Philippines was not enough, the communists in the NPA continues their own tactics by targeting not only the ruling party politicians, judges and govt. officials, but also personnel from the US base in the country.

When jihadists and communists of the world target Christians and Jews and slaughter them in every which way, the jihadist-loving communist press of the Western world does not pay any attention. However, as in the case of the Norway terrorist, when it's a non-moslem or non-communist doing the dirty .... the shrills and shrieks from these news outlets can be heard way out there in the next galaxy.

According to this report:

.......The Philippines is turning into one of the most dangerous places on Earth. According to a report filed by the Human Rights Watch organization, the Philippines is now considered the top terrorist hotspot in the world. On Monday, a 28-page report (complete with photo slideshows and survivor interviews) was released that covered many of the terror-related attacks, specifically attacks carried on by Al-Qaeda-linked groups like Abu Sayyaf.

According to the report, since the year 2000 over 1,700 people have either been killed or injured in the Philippines due to terrorist attacks. Although most attacks occurred in Muslim-dominant Mindanao (it is located close to Indonesia, another hotbed of terrorism), they were not limited to that province. Manila, the capital of the Philippines, suffered a bomb attack that killed 116 people, including 15 children. There was also a "Valentine's Day" bombing that targeting Manila and two cities in Mindanao. In total, the number of victims is more than those killed in the bombings that happened in Spain, Turkey, England and Morocco within the same time period..........

But, when have we see NATO or the UN doing the right thing? Not in my living memory anyway.

Most of the vids via TruthDesigner at YouTube. She also has a collection of islamic violence being committed in other countries.

special documentary by Journeyman TV which is a must watch. The corruption in the govt is worse than in Afghanistan.

If this country is not delivered from the islamists, it won't be just Mindanao island that has been ceded to muslim autonomous rule ... the entire country will be too within the next 2 decades.

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