Friday, February 11, 2011

Only in Canada .... a deadly madness known as the CHRTs

It's more like a disease... a horribly deadly one.  If you are wondering how such miscarriages of justice are going on in Canada right under the nose of a Conservative Govt... stop wondering. We don't have a conservative govt in Canada. Our singing sensation of a Prime Minister has become more liberal than a flaming liberal and has given the CHRTs  a  free rein to wield their dictatorship on every Canadian they feel like whipping to the very bone.

Below is more that follows up on this that was posted a few days ago.

via: CIR
A Mississauga businesswoman whose home was ordered seized to pay an Ontario Human Rights Tribunal award to a former employee can keep her house — for now.

The Superior Court struck down the “fatally flawed” decision as so unfair to defendant Maxcine Telfer — who represented herself in the hearing — that it was “simply not possible to logically follow the pathway taken by the adjudicator.”

That October 2009 decision ordered Telfer to pay $36,000 to a woman who had been her employee for six weeks. Lawyers wanted the sheriff to seize and sell Telfer’s home to collect the money.....

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