Saturday, February 12, 2011

Algeria and Yemen maybe next ? Trouble brewing in Pakistan... but that's nothing new !!

Looks like 2011 is turning out to be a "year of revolutions" in the moslem world.   I am waiting anxiously for modernized Saudi Arabians to get rid of their mullahs and their royal pisspots and also for a revival of the Iranian uprising.  Please go do it and by so doing you will do the world a big favor.  
In Algeria, demostrations have been going on for the last so many days but were eclipse by the Egyptian roars:

In Yemen: .... Government supporters armed with traditional knives and batons broke up a pro-democracy march on Saturday by 2,000 Yemenis inspired by the Egyptian uprising.

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh, trying to ward off protests spreading across the Arab world, has promised to step down when his term ends in 2013, but the opposition has yet to respond to his call to join a unity government. The opposition wants talks to take place under Western or Gulf Arab auspices.....

And, could this be the start of "something" in the earth's cancerous tumour of Pakistan?

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