Thursday, November 4, 2010

ACORN bites the dust down south .... but still here in Canada ?

This corrupt scandal-ridden organization has filed for bankruptcy.   However, what about an organization that goes by the name "Living Wages" and has a symbol of an acorn over a maple leaf at their website which says this:

and they have offices in Ontario and BC. Has anyone investigated to see if this is a genuine network or are they concealing activists that interfere in Canadian elections and Canadian policies?

I had written about ACORN Canada,  before they changed their name, in Feb, 2010 and again in March, 2010.

The links at Ottawa Citizen given in those 2 posts, have been archived, but you can find them here:

Hey, you big MSM .... this is a shout out  to you overly paid scribes.... to go investigate to see what exactly is this org doing here and who funds them and do they interfere in matters that  should be no concern of theirs.  Don't you find it mysterious that they have changed their name but they keep the emblem on their website?  Hmmmmmmmmm

Investigate.... you will be surprised to find some familiar names, even from our own Govt., if you investigate efficiently.

1 comment:

  1. Shouting at the lame brained media is useless, they are like the three monkeys Deaf, Dumb and Stupid.


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