Friday, October 1, 2010

Soros and Goldstone ... what do they have in common ? Ugliness personified

Almost everyone, who had some grey cells remaining in some nook or corner of  their skull, knew that Goldstone was lying through his false teeth with his biased report stating that Israel had committed war crimes. If you didn't think he was lying, then this post is not for your reading pleasure.... go away.

J Street Tried To Gain Congressional Acceptance of Bogus UN Report Accusing Israel of War Crimes. . Less than one week after the faux Israel advocacy group J Street was caught lying about taking cash from progressive financier George Soros, new evidence has been revealed about the group that eliminate any doubt about its true intentions vis a vis the Jewish State. J Street was involved in trying convince the US Congress to accept the Goldstone Report, a one sided UN Report with trumped up charges of Israeli War Crimes during the Gaza war...........

h/t: Irene

1 comment:

  1. There's yet more info available on two more groups that backed the Goldstone Report...Human Rights Watch (of which, Goldstone was a board member) and Democracy Coalition Project.
    Key Point: The lobbyists all seem to have one thing in common: they are all funded by, or connected to, financier George Soros.

    He's everywhere!


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