Friday, October 1, 2010

The Delicious Gossip of the Illegal Lover Boy and George Smitherman .... the kind of gossip one can get from reading some of our rags here in Toronto !!  Many a time, the gossip is not all gossip and does have a lot of truth in it ....but who knows... whatever it is, this is one big doozy found by  Blazing Cat Fur blog   at  NowMagazine which is a free rag    found all over Toronto and it's about Georgie Smitherman.... you know the guy that the Toronto Star is backing to the hilt... in the mayoral race.

From the comments to the article where Smitherman says "his wife" or was it "his husband" .... I really cannot remember these things... works for Lindt and his guilty pleasure is CHOCOLATE.
Posted by AJ on 12/31/2009, 07:27 PM
Only one guilty pleasure you say Mr. Smitherman? How about the harbouring of young illegal-immigrant boys who sell drugs and themselves on the street. I think his name was Earl wasn't it? You should know. Or have you conveniently forgotten him or erased him from your memory banks and any contact info to tie you to him. Anyway, I think he's back in his homeland anyway. Maybe you shipped him back?

and then another doozy :

Posted by xxx-tasy on 01/21/2010, 10:14 PM
how bout the so called staff you hired at queen's park george, former "friends" of b.g. mp. who wanted a job or would spill the beans. how bout your staff doin' your drug runs. earl was just one of your innocent victims. you run for mayor its all gonna come out don't u know as it should

and then this:

Posted by This Chamber's Not for Rent on 08/19/2010, 10:12 AMGreat, George and Christopher are "expecting" an addition in 2010! I'm guessing it won't be a little girl. George can teach the little one how to be angry, dysfunctional, and to waste millions (a thousand millions) of dollars, just like dear old dad!
Isn't progressive liberalism just wonderful!
p.s. Hey George, legislation, Green or otherwise, doesn't create jobs, business people do. The fact that you don't understand this makes you unfit to govern at any level.
p.p.s Given Christopher's job at Lindt, I wonder how often George gets a chocolate starfish for Christmas?

Goodbye George Smitherman. With the dirty laundry of the eHealth scandal and now this  baggage too ... you don't stand a chance against an honest, outspoken, transparent guy like Rob Ford.  He might be politically incorrect at times, which to you libs is a kind of a disease... but people are beginning to see it as a cure for all the ills the Libs have visited on Ontario and indeed all over Canada the last so many years.

So.... Goodbye Georgie. .

The cartoon by MacKay is from 2004 a year after the eHealth scandal.

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