Saturday, September 25, 2010

Is America going the way of Britianistan ? ...... Part I

Better that we know it sooner than later.  Sharia has taken hold of America in leaps and bounds. What does that mean for America and what will it mean to us here in Canada?  They are losing their freedom, a little tiny centimetre at a time without even realizing  that it's happening, at least a large majority of Americans are clueless about their liberties evaporating into nothingness.  Before they know it, they will be right bang in the middle of full sharia laws, which at first glance will look only as political correctness. Here's a taste of America's multicult and almost all these incidents are events of the past few weeks.

1) Moore, that ugly repulsive man, the idol of lefties in Canada and the USA raises 50K for the GZ mosque. Nice eh?!

2) American sudanese shoots 3 co-workers. His very intelligent brother says: "He's a good kid, if you want to know what happened, go back to where he worked. These are the people responsible for what happened. I know my brother. There was no problem with him."

3) Moslem teen sets off a chemical bomb explosion near mosque. Was the intent to blame it on non-moslems?  The very intelligent and wise Islamic leaders say the explosion was just a 13-year-old "experimenting."

4) The honor-killing of a vibrant young girl in Arizona by her own family.

5) American Somali mother knows of a new method how one can lock up kids and how not to worry if two of them just up and die while she out doing her thing for 10 hours without a care in th world.

6) Mosque spokeswoman also an advocate for the GZ mosque is a convicted felon who stole 300K from former employers. She made appearances on the leftie Anderson's show. Says: the 32 yr old converted moslem: "It was something that happened when I was young, I'm not proud of it. I never claimed to be perfect."

7) Pastor Jones, the "I will burn the koran" and didn't guy ... is going to be ruined financially and chances are his church will no longer be able to operate. All very intentional and all in keeping with sharia laws.

8) In Houston a moslem man kills his three children because he feared losing visitation rights. His very intelligent and all-knowing attorney Syed Izfar saus: "By all appearances, this was a man who loved his children."

9) American moslem man goes to the middle east and marries several women the moslem way. He now has several kids. The Question that will crop up eventually is: Will the kids be able to claim US citizenship although the marriages are not recognized by US laws?

10) Human trafficking by cavemen in Minnesota and Tennessee

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