Saturday, September 25, 2010

Faster, faster England ..... say your goodbyes and RIP ......... Part Eleven

The stuff that's going on in Britianistan will make you throw up. Keep a pail handy when reading the links.

1) Roman Catholic school being handed over to mosque ... more moslem students than Catholic.

2) Britianistan arrests 2 men for .......guess what ........ watching and sharing a video on Facebook of a man burning the Koran in the US during the recent 9/11 commemoration at Ground Zero in New York.

3) The Opioionator has a full list of September horrors   and the month is not done yet.  Paedophile ring raped kids as young as four years old repeatedly; Gang of cavemen and cavewomen want wealthy arabs to buy their young virgins for lots of money; .and all the gory stuff that only a country dominated by cavemen will yield.

4) Cavemen's celebrated cleric exposes himself to women in parks even to a child of 12. And, the scum had come to Britain on a visit to preach during the Muslim festival of Ramadan. Nice, eh?!

These are the dying  years  of the country millions of Canadians were proud to say their descendants came from.  Are you still proud ?


  1. It is getting very scary. As a female, I dread the day sharia comes to our shores. I watched a video of a young girl getting stoned to death, and it gave me nightmares. She was so alone, surrounded by only males, and no one came to her defense. No one who loved her stood up for her. I did notice that all the males were recording her death on their cell phones.

  2. Yes... and one of them taking it all down on cellphones might have been either her father or her brother.


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