Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rally to protest Islamic Jihad

UPDATE: May 13: It has been pointed out to me that the march was to protest against Jihad in general all over the world. The rally to protest the proposed mosque is supposedly at some later date, if at all.  

Pics of the rally from Atlas Shrug Yesterday, at long last, the victims and citizens of New York city marched against the proposed building of a mosque in the vicinity of the Twin Towers where thousands of innocent people lost their lives. Can you believe the audacity of these islamists goons? First they kill all those innocent folks, who if they were "lucky" died instantly and if they were not, got splattered on the concrete sidewalks hundreds of floors below, ending their lives via that route instead of the horror of death by fire. Those dropping bodies are  giving those who saw the  massacre first hand, nightmares to this day. Adding sacks of salt into the wounds of the victims and the near and dear of those who lost their lives on that fateful day, should have called for such rallies from the day it came to light that  plans were afloat to build a mosque near the twin towers. Anybody and everybody in the City Planning departments who are stupid enough to put down their signatures approving of such a construction so near to the horror of 9/11 are as guilty as islamists wanting to kill us. Unthinkable, the things that are happening in the USA.

I have always maintained that one should do to evil what evil does to you, because evil can understand no other language. Trying to douse the flames of evil with appeasement and flowery words and deeds will only feed the fire. I hope the American people will hold these rallies continously and in every city in every State.. and if need be, make them as violent and loud as the rallies seen coming from the Left. Fight fire with fire. That is the only way islamist brains can understand that you mean business. This is one Canadian standing with the enemies of evil incarnate wherever and whenever they bravely stand their ground.

At another item posted by Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs, she quotes from an article: "In gearing up for the 2010 Census, the General Services Administration (GSA) leased office space throughout the country. One location is a 6,654 square foot section of a two-story building on Edsall Road in Alexandria, Va. owned by the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque. The United States government is spending $582,000, or about $23,000 per month, to lease the space from November 2008 through the end of this year."

So, it looks like, not only is the Obama administration sucking up to the muslims, the ex-Prez Bush was a lover of muslims too. I mistrusted the man from the day I saw him holding hands and kissing the Saudi Arabian tyrant. Wasn't that the reason USA invaded Iraq instead of Saudi Arabia?  Almost all the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis of palestinian origin. Go check for yourselves if you don't believe me.

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