Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Entire family and their home swallowed up

A country home in St.Jude, near Montreal has been swallowed up and the family of four are missing. Most of the house has almost disappeared in the ground collapse with only the roof  visible and rescue workers are struggling through the mud looking for any sign of the residents.  I believe there are huge areas of quicksand in St Jude and vicinity.  What a disaster.   


  1. A similar thing happened in the NWT (Fort Smith I think) in the '60s, only there is was a river bank that suddenly sloughed off and took some homes with it. One woman died.

  2. What a tragedy. I can't stop thinking of this family and what it must have been like for them, the sudden and terrible sucked in feeling.

    The other horrid news today is that 100s of dogs and cats are being euthanzied here in Ontario because of ringworms. Have people never heard of laxatives for animals?

    Some days it's not worth getting out of bed.


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