Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sarah Palin: Next Prez of the USA ... if only she decides to run

Two speeches: One campaigning for Michelle Bachmann and talking at the GOP convention in New Orleans. The straw vote went to the straw man Romney and missed by one vote for Ron Paul, another strawman... must have been a lot of straw men voting at the gathering, figures.

Come to think of it, hardly anybody that won the straw votes at these conventions, have  gone on to win the presidency. I was keeping my fingers crossed, toes too, that Palin would not win and get swell-headed and careless because of it.  The straw polls are fund raisers and the minions of Ron Paul and Romney must have shown up in droves and paid to register their votes, because you need a pay a fee to vote.  Sarah Palin's supporters would never deem it to be necessary to put on such a degrading farce just to show a "false number" of hands for their rigged polls.  Her supporters are confident of success.   Now if only they can convincet Palin to run. That is the big Question. Can they convince Palin to run in 2012?  The straw vote winners and the straw vote nominators are just blowing in the wind...nothing new.My defination of "straw man". And this is very, very true in connection with the GOP straw votes. You betcha! 
An argument or opponent set up so as to be easily refuted or defeated



  1. I would wager $10 that if Palin wins the Republican nomination, Obama will win the election.

    That's money in the bank. Why push a candidate that a large number of conservatives can't stand? Look I understand that she is now the symbol of the pro life movement, but I don't care how many teen pregnancies the Palin family can pump out, Roe V Wade (the only Supreme Court case Palin has ever heard of) will never be overturned.

    I'm sorry guys and gals, get over it. Palin is not electable as President. Granted I understand why Dodo pumps Palin every other day, because 75% of your site traffic comes from pro Palin websites. Writing about the greatness of Palin is the only thing that gets you hits anymore...

    She is extremely polarizing in the center.

  2. Iceman's icicles are not hitting their mark, not where Palin is concerned, and never will.

    As for internet traffic, Iceman, it might come as a surprise to you, but there are bloggers who do not give a rat's fart about traffic and "donate" buttons. I am one of them.

  3. Get along now, you two! (I can say that, my kids are older than both of you) ;-)

    I don't believe Palin's electable,either. The GOP needs a good credible candidate, not a celebrity,and Palin's become a celebrity.

    Whether she'd make a competent President,I don't know,though I have my doubts. The Democrats didn't know whether Obama'd make a good Prez,but voted on the basis of starstruck adulation and look how that's turned out.

    The Republicans had better get their butts in gear and find a candidate that will convince Republicans and the dissatisfied Dems that he/she's the better choice than Obama, otherwise, it's term two for the Big Zero.


  4. I'll take that bet Iceman.
    No political figure draws the crowds or gets the attention Palin does right now and she was counted out ages ago.
    By 2012 they could run a monkey against Obama and win.


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