Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dawkins dreams of bringing evolution to the muslim world

Now that's delusional with a capital "D". Stop dreaming prof, won't ever happen.  You can't  take away their dreams of  those 72 virgins.  According to Dawkins, the growing popularity of creationist beliefs is due largely to the Islamic influence we are seeing today.

....While most non-fundamentalist Christian traditions have largely accepted evolution, Islam was still much more hostile, he said. “It’s the fact that Islam teaches the Koran is the literal word of God, unlike most Christian sects, which say the Bible is largely symbolic. That could well be the cause.” ....

.....When I go to schools, as I occasionally do, I do get depressed when I see children coming out as evolution deniers. I don’t think they would have 30 years ago.” .... read the whole thing


  1. Pride goeth before a fall.
    The reason evolution is becoming less accepted is because it is unreasonable. Believe it or not Darwinian evolution and the big bang are not compatible.

  2. These poor guys need some professional ladies to help them forget about the next life vs. the here-and-now.


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