Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ask a Q about that certain document and you are told you need a brain scan

No... really!! That's what is happening these days in our neighbour's backyard. Alinsky would have been so proud of the crooked ones in the WH. People have been made to think that if you ask a question about Obama's long form birth certificate, then you are certifiable and that's that. Nobody wants to be marginalized as a cuckoo and so they refrain from touching or going anywhere near this ultra sensitive subject. It seems ludicrous that the most powerful office on earth could have been grabbed on false pretences and nobody wants to admit that they might have been played for suckers. Better to live with the mistake than to admit it. That's human nature.

I, for one, believe he was born in the USA, but there is something in his birth certificate he wants to keep secret and therein lies the mystery and the frustration felt by countless Americans.  The birth certificate that Americans are looking for,  is the one that will show the name of the hospital, the doctor in attendance,etc.etc.  That document is kept under lock and key and it would be someone completely devoid of curiosity or totally dumb who would not want to see such a piece of paper when the eligibility of Obama's presidency is in question.  That is my opinion, and I am sticking by it.
Terry Lakin, the highest ranking and first active duty officer to refuse to obey all orders on the basis on unanswered questions regarding President Obama's eligibility. A medical officer, Lakin has an impeccable military record (detailed here), which includes providing medical care for admirals and generals at the Pentagon where he serves as Chief of Primary Care and Flight Surgeon for the DiLorenzo TRICARE Helath Clinic, and a previous tour in Afghanistan among other overseas posts.His decision to refuse to obey all orders (including orders to deploy for a second time to Afghanistan) pending the release of the president's original long-form birth certificate -- not the computer-generated copy -- is certain to have hit like a bombshell at the White House and Pentagon. It has already triggered an alarming phone call to Lakin from an officer thought to be conveying the opinion of "those higher up the chain of command," according to The officer expressed concern for Lakin's well-being and frame of mind -- the strong implication being only someone not right in the head would risk the possibility of a court martial and loss of pension over Constitutional principle. Indeed, it was unofficially suggested to Lakin in this same phone call that a "brain scan" might be in order to detect a possible "brain tumor," according to Margaret Hemenway, who is familiar with the conversation and who first broke the Lakin story earlier this week at Family Security Matters. (More on the "brain scan"" phone call at read on


  1. My, it seems that somebody at ETP needs a reading lesson.

  2. Igor - very funny. I laughed aloud.

  3. Patrick - you are not the only good fisherman around. I am pretty good with baits too. :) :)
    Now waiting for a bigger fish.

  4. I strongly believe that Obama was born in outer space. He isn't just an illegal alien, he is a space alien. But I will not discriminate against someone for being from outer space. I dislike Obama because I strongly disagree with his policies. A socialist is a socialist, be their skin black, green, or white. He is what he is, be he born in Sumatra, Honoluhu, or Neptune...


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