Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Something stinky blows in the winds

If you raise your voice about the stench, you are told to "Shut Up" because "each and every Ontarian is a part of and can take some pride in"  this green venture. I thought I was one of the millions of Ontarians, but nobody has ever asked my opinion on this. So, it stands to reason that somebody is lying when they say "each and every Ontarian".    Right Watson?    Yes, Sherlock... elementary as always.

No place is safe from these monsters. In Simcoe    ....People living close to wind turbines in other parts of Ontario have reported that noise and vibrations from the equipment cause sleep deprivation. Others have reported experiencing headaches and dizziness since the towers near their homes went up.

“These communities have had enough of the premier and his buddies in the political elite forcing their pet projects in the backyards of people in rural Ontario without any say from the local communities,” Wilson said. “In Clearview, people are sick and tired of the premier, who lives in the tony neighbourhood of Rosedale, telling them how to run their rural community. So I ask the Acting Premier: What gives you the right to ignore voters in rural and small town Ontario?”.....

In Chatham   The notion of more than 700 wind turbines dotting the waters of Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair has lakeshore residents agitated these days.

They have every right to be concerned, if that concern is for the environment. SouthPoint Wind wants to install 715 wind turbines in 15 different farm clusters about 1.5 kilometres off shore on Lake Erie, as well as on parts of Lake St. Clair. There is little in the way of government regulations applicable to offshore turbine projects....

1 comment:

  1. McGuinty also has a house in Ottawa South which he represents. The hated wind turbines slated for Ottawa are in the rural area, safely out of his sight. There are hydro corridors in Ottawa which could support turbines, but this has never been considered. The policy is put them in the country and let the yokels deal with them.


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