Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sarah Palin: "It's a stall, baby, stall"

Palin knows it's all rhetoric. You can't be so much against drilling all through your campaign and over a year in office  and then suddenly wake up one day and think different. Palin knows the reason why Obama is now throwing crumbs to the sheeple.

Many Americans fear that President Obama’s new energy proposal is once again “all talk and no real action,” this time in an effort to shore up fading support for the Democrats’ job-killing cap-and-trade (a.k.a. cap-and-tax) proposals. Behind the rhetoric lie new drilling bans and leasing delays; soon to follow are burdensome new environmental regulations. Instead of “drill, baby, drill,” the more you look into this the more you realize it’s “stall, baby, stall.”   read the whole thing

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