Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sarah Palin: She can and she will

Dianne Linderman is an author of children's books. She is a mom of teenage kids and can see first hand the garbage that is being taught in the schools and the garbage our children are forced to write in order to please the elite and in order to get a passing grade from their, more often than not, leftish professors and teachers.  Her take on why   the media and more particularly, why the Liberals and others hate Palin, is enlightening and very true.

Even among Conservatives in Canada, there are men who think she is fit to live only in trailer parks and should not open her mouth in civil society. It pains me to see that amongst our own Blogging Tories, men like  The Iceman and Russ Campbell seem to dismiss her as a speck of dust without giving a valid reason. The Iceman will spout something like "she has no experience and she is a quitter" and if I remember right,  Russ Campbell said something along the same lines and additionally that she was too young to write autobiographies. I am not a regular reader of Campbell's blog so I am not that familiar with his other opinions, but I thought The Iceman was a bright young man with more sense and intelligence than the average 30 year old. Guess I was wrong. He has turned out to be a member of the mindless zombie club "Hate Palin".

When Diane Linderman says:
What most people don’t get about Sarah Palin is that she is smarter than those who despise her. Every time you hear anyone say that she is stupid and she could never be the President of the United States, just understand that she is already a leader in our country, and they never saw it happen. All it would take now is an election to make it official. Now, who are really the stupid ones?
I concur wholeheartedly.


  1. Say, shouldn't someone be literate if they are to pump children's books? They should at least be able to read them, nes pas?

    I would respond to this in greater detail, but I have Kady O'Malley et all in my scopes right now!

  2. My issue w/ Palin is that she's all sizzle & no steak. She needs to show some substance instead of making outlandish remarks designed to gain attention for herself. Do what Romney & Gingrich do, which is present both style & substance. She has to style part down to a T, I like her as a person a lot. I also like Obama as a person a lot, but I want to see him defeated badly ASAP.


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