Monday, January 4, 2010

Glenn Beck is back

Glenn Beck show of Jan 4


  1. I can see that you put a lot of time and effort into this post. I'm so happy that you used a slot on the BT main page for all this valuable information.

  2. I didn't know there was a back page too. Is that where most of yours go to?

  3. I just noticed that you exceeded your 4 posts per 24 hours with this massive piece on Beck and all your earlier posts got bumped from the main page.

    Perhaps Dodo can Spell, but I'm not convinced that Dodo can Count...

  4. I think your link is wrong, it doesn't lead to Glen Beck.

  5. Iceman - you have gone off your rocker. Just thinking of Palin and agonizing over not finding someone like her is driving you totally bonkers.

  6. You put about as much prep work into this post as Palin put into the Couric interview!

    BOOM goes the dynamite!

  7. I'm not convinced that Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin are worth fighting over.

    I did recently read Common Sense by Glenn Beck, and I found a good deal of value in it, but I'm not sure if I consider progressivism a "cancer". It's something that must be tempered by conservatism, but cancer?

    I can't agree with that.

  8. Iceman - unlike you I let my readers hear other voices too.
    And when BOOM goes the dynamite it will be ice that will melt before anything else.


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